Can Axolotls be used as fuel in Minecraft 1.17? Everything players need to know

Pink axolotl in the game (Image via Minecraft)
Pink axolotl in the game (Image via Minecraft)

The Minecraft Caves & Cliffs was a massive update, so Mojang decided to divide it into two parts to release all the content smoothly. The first part has been released, and it adds three new mobs to the game, one of which is the axolotl.

Axolotls are cute underwater mobs that can be picked up in a bucket like salmon and pufferfish to get a bucket of axolotl. Once the player has picked up an axolotl in the bucket, that axolotl will never be despawned. In version 1.17, players will find axolotls in dark areas with a water source.

Even though axolotls never attack the player, Mojang introduced them as predators because of their aggressive nature towards all aquatic mobs except turtles and dolphins. Axolotls can also be bred by feeding two of them buckets of tropical fish to make them enter love mode.

Many players have wondered if axolotls could be used as fuel in Minecraft. Here's everything you need to know.

Also read: Wolves vs Axolotls in Minecraft: 5 major differences between the two mobs

Axolotls used as fuel in Minecraft


A rumor had spread in a subreddit called r/shittymcsuggestions that after a player has caught an axolotl in a bucket, they can use it as fuel in a furnace. As weird as it may sound, a lot of Redditors admitted that this was actually true.

After the spreading of this rumor, a famous YouTuber called Phoenix SC made a video on it where he showed that on Java Edition, he was able to use a bucket of axolotl as fuel to smelt raw copper.

Truth about using axolotls as fuel

Axolotls can be used in furnaces? (Image via Minecraft)
Axolotls can be used in furnaces? (Image via Minecraft)

Just as wrong as it sounds, the rumor about using a bucket of axolotls as fuels in furnaces is false. This has been tested on both Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition on version 1.17, and no, the bucket of axolotl does not act as fuel in a furnace.

r/shittymcsuggestions is a subreddit where Redditors sarcastically post weird suggestions and facts about game features. Like most posts made there, using a bucket of axolotls as fuel was not true.

Also read: Minecraft Redditor discovers the hidden axolotl kingdom

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