5 best things to build with redstone in Minecraft (2022)

A super smelter working as the sun rises (Image via Minecraft)
A super smelter working as the sun rises (Image via Minecraft)

Minecraft’s redstone is one of the most open-ended and complex systems in any game ever made. On the surface, these systems seem quite simple and accessible. It creates a kind of electricity combined with components replicating pieces of code, such as using comparators and repeaters to make Or or And logic gates.

While the upper echelons of redstone engineering are more complicated than most players will ever need, there are plenty of useful things players can do with simpler systems.

Explore these simple redstone builds for Minecraft in 2022

5) Super Smelter


Super smelters are a system of automatic furnace that players can make using either a series of hoppers, minecarts or a combination of the two. Players can place the item to smelt in one chest, fuel in another chest, and set up an output system, and the furnace will automatically pull items to smelt and fuel into itself as needed.

Super smelters can be complex for new players due to how much redstone is needed to fit in a small area. However, this also makes them good practice for learning compact redstone. However, very basic auto smelters are incredibly simple to build and convenient.

4) Automatic Food Farm


Players can make a few different automatic Minecraft food farms using redstone. There are automatic melon and pumpkin farms, which use observers to detect grown pumpkins and melons and pistons to break them for collection.

There are also automatic sugar cane farms, breaking sugar cane when it reaches three tall. There are also automatic chicken farms that will automatically make chicks, kill adult chickens for meat and feathers, and collect eggs.

Players can combine these three automatic farms to get an unlimited supply of pumpkin pies using pumpkins, eggs, and sugar.

3) Item Sorter


Item sorters seem like the kind of thing that would be incredibly complex. In reality, however, they are quite simple. Players can make chains of Minecraft chests and sorters for however much storage room they need, requiring only a few redstone dusts, redstone torches, comparators, repeaters, and hoppers per layer of chests.

The biggest drawback of Minecraft item sorters is how much iron they require, as they often take up three or four hoppers per layer of the chest, so players should only make an item sorter once they have a consistent source of iron made, such as an iron farm.

2) Villager Breeder and Transporter


A combination breeder and transporter is handy for players wanting to set up a villager trading hall. These builds incorporate redstone to move baby villagers produced by the breeder into a containment chamber. Players can then use an additional redstone element to automatically collect an adult villager and transport it to their final containment area with a job block.

The biggest downside to this build is that villagers can be pretty annoying to work with, as they tend to walk where they want, which can be very frustrating when trying to get them in the exact position they need to be in.

1) Villager converter and trading pod


This type of trading pod aims to allow players to get the best Minecraft trades possible, price-wise. These trading pods incorporate a lever that can drop the villagers down a level, where they are accessible to a small room underneath the trading hall. This smaller room contains a zombie that will infect the villager.

Once the Minecraft villager has been zombified, players can bring them back up and cure them for better prices. If players are still unsatisfied with the price, they can go through this process again to push prices even lower, potentially down to their minimum.