Minecraft Redditor remakes kelp from Subnautica

Creepvines in Minecraft and Subnautica (Image via u/jjkay03|Reddit)
Creepvines in Minecraft and Subnautica (Image via u/jjkay03|Reddit)

Over the years, Minecraft's audience has grown massively. While it was supposed to be for kids, the last ten years have seen players of all ages come together to celebrate this marvel of a game that has had a generation of children grow up along with itself.

Some users build massive cities from games like Skyrim, Genshin Impact, and The Witcher series. In contrast, others create statues of characters or iconic locations and maps from games like Valorant and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fortnite, Witcher 3, and GTA San Andreas.

Gamer recreates Creepvine plant from Subnautica in Minecraft

Redditor u/jjkay03 recently posted a picture on Reddit that depicted the "Creepvine" plant from Subnautica on one side. The other side showed a highly accurate representation of the plant inside Minecraft.

Subnautica is known for its beautiful and vibrant world, filled with all types of flora and fauna. This unique type of flora is found quite close to the player's starting area.

Additionally, the Creepvine plant is similar to how kelp looks in its blocky representation, except for the yellow-colored and glowing Creepvine seed clusters on its base.


The Redditor's custom-made Creepvine plants are seen winding up from the ocean's bed till they almost touch the surface. While the vines have an almost similar design to the "vine" segment of the plant from Subnautica, the seed clusters in the Redditor's build have been replaced by the yellow-colored dandelion flower from the game.

According to the Redditor, the glowing appearance of the dandelion flowers was achieved via a texture pack called Emissive. This texture pack specializes in making items or entities in the game glow.

In this regard, users can see that the dandelions are the perfect choice to replace the Creepvine seed clusters.


For gamers who want to look at the texture packs for themselves, the link can be found here.

Many players are fans of a plethora of other games. The title's sandbox nature allows them to recreate some of their favorite features from these games within Minecraft and showcase/share their passion for the titles they love so much with the game's community.

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