Minecraft Redditor recreates Mumbo Jumbo's vault door with an opening sequence

Mumbo Jumbo's original vault door (Image via Mumbo Jumbo/YouTube)
Mumbo Jumbo's original vault door (Image via Mumbo Jumbo/YouTube)

Mumbo Jumbo is one of the most prominent Minecraft YouTubers out there. He's been making videos for a long time and is considered one of the best redstone YouTube channels for people to learn. He's excellent at the game, and many of his redstone builds have become quite popular.

That's certainly the case with his vault door, which has been replicated and redesigned by many players. The Minecraft Redditor in focus shared the latest entry in that list with a stellar vault door. It even has a terrific opening sequence. Check it out below.

Minecraft player recreates Mumbo Jumbo's infamous vault door with redstone

If Minecraft players were to pretend that this post wasn't a recreation of someone else's incredibly infamous build, it would still be stellar. Redstone builds are challenging to make, and they're even more difficult to get working right all the time.

Whether or not someone else made it first is entirely irrelevant, and this is still one of the most impressive redstone builds shared in a while.

However, the fact that it's clearly paying homage to one of the best redstone builders in the game's history makes it even better. Building things based on someone else's work is among the highest compliments.

It's an excellent vault door and would work tremendously in-game if this Redditor or anyone else were to use it. It would be good protection for whatever items required it.

The recreated vault door (Image via u/IKnowRedstone/Reddit)
The recreated vault door (Image via u/IKnowRedstone/Reddit)

The opening sequence shown off in the original post is great, too. It's segmented, with each section moving right after the other to slowly, deliberately open the door completely.

What begins as an impenetrable vault slowly opens, allowing players to enter for whatever purpose. It's an impressive build and a great post, two things the community seems to agree on.

The post already has almost five thousand upvotes and tons of great comments. One commenter even wants to see how it works.

The rest of the comments are full of adoration and awe for the build, which is completely deserved. Mumbo Jumbo would be proud.

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