Top 5 Minecraft building techniques for a better base

An amazing Minecraft base that uses many of the techniques in this list (Image via Pinterest)
An amazing Minecraft base that uses many of the techniques in this list (Image via Pinterest)

The art of creating a beautiful base in Minecraft is a very underrated skill. While many players are naturally good at building without learning any techniques, many players could use some inspiration to take their base to the next level.

The tips listed below have the potential to transform a player's dirt hut into a dirt mansion

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Top 5 Minecraft building techniques for a better base

#5 - Depth

An example of adding depth to a building (Image via plane
An example of adding depth to a building (Image via plane

Building depth is an essential technique to make the player's base pop.

As seen in the demonstration above, adding multiple layers to the Wool wall creates an amazing effect that stands out to the eye.

If players have flat walls on the outside of their base, they are encouraged to add some depth to it.

#4 - Block Variance

An amazing Brick house with Stone Bricks and Iron Bars to compliment it (Image via u/BrudasBetus on Reddit)
An amazing Brick house with Stone Bricks and Iron Bars to compliment it (Image via u/BrudasBetus on Reddit)

Block variance is extremely important if the player does not want their build to look boring and repetitive. The base shown in the image above would look significantly worse if they just used Bricks for the entire base.

All players are recommended to experiment with different block combinations to see which blocks complement each other.

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#3 - Greenery

A gorgeous Desert build with tons of greenery to compliment it (Image via u/_The_Orion_ on Reddit) Enter caption E nter captionEnter caption
A gorgeous Desert build with tons of greenery to compliment it (Image via u/_The_Orion_ on Reddit) Enter caption E nter captionEnter caption

Plants are a fantastic and cheap way to add some life to the base, literally. Players can simply add leaf blocks, cactus, trees, vines, or any plant to make their base look stylish as well as eco-friendly.

Plants are very easy to decorate with, and do not take much artistic skill to get to look nice in a base.


Players who are having trouble getting the plants to flow well with their base are highly recommended to watch the video above, which details how to add greenery to a base effectively.

#2 - Interior Decoration

(Image via Nerdak on Pinterest)
(Image via Nerdak on Pinterest)

It is just as important to know how to decorate the interior of a base as it is the exterior. A base with an amazing exterior but a boring interior will be highly disappointing for anyone entering.

As seen in the picture above, Minecraft players have many blocks at their disposal to decorate their interior, such as trapdoors, barrels, signs, buttons, and lanterns.

Players can get extremely creative with these smaller blocks, much like the creator of the image above has.

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#1 - Theme

An absoultely haunting End-styled base (Image via Pinterest)
An absoultely haunting End-styled base (Image via Pinterest)

For a Minecraft player's build to look cohesive, there must be a theme.

A theme can be decided based on many factors, such as what blocks the build will consist of or what biome the build is located in.

In the image above, the builder decided to create an End-themed build. Thus, they used a lot of purple blocks, chorus fruit, and End stone to complete the theme. Most players would agree that the creator of the base above succeeded in creating an End-themed build.

Also read: How to easily travel in the Nether in Minecraft

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