Top 5 rideable mobs in Minecraft

Rideable mobs (Images via Minecraft Wiki)
Rideable mobs (Images via Minecraft Wiki)

There are a lot of different mobs in Minecraft that all serve different purposes. Some are there for food and materials, like cows or chickens. Others are there to provide a challenge, like Pillagers or Endermans. One of the most useful groups of mobs has to be the ones that can be ridden.

Traveling long distances in Minecraft can be a challenge. Players can only go so fast and require a lot of food to do so. Having a rideable mob can make a big difference in a lot of areas. Here are the best ones currently in the game.

Best mobs for Minecraft players to ride

5) Mule

Mules don't go particularly fast and they can't jump very high. They can, however, carry a chest along with the player. When traveling and looting lots of different places, Minecraft players often run out of inventory space very quickly. With a mule, that doesn't happen.

4) Donkey

The same thing applies to donkeys in that they're not fast but can carry one chest of items. The only reason they're above mules is that donkeys spawn naturally. Mules are the result of breeding horses and donkeys, which makes them much harder to find.

3) Strider

The Nether is full of lava oceans that are extremely difficult to traverse. Instead of bridging across slowly and using tons of blocks, players can get a Strider to take them across. They will need warped fungus on a stick and a saddle, but they can ride the Strider endlessly after that.

2) Horse

Horses in the game (Image via Mojang)
Horses in the game (Image via Mojang)

Horses are arguably the best rideable mob in the game. The only downside can be the vastly different values for each horse. Some horses are very fast, and others can jump several blocks or have a lot of health. They also need to be saddled, which is the only reason they're not the top rideable mob on this list.

1) Skeleton Horse

Skeleton Horses run very quickly and do not require a saddle. Players can instantly get on one whenever they see it and ride to their heart's content. The only problem is that they don't spawn very often at all, which makes them one of the rarest ridable mobs in the game.

Note: The list is subjective and reflects the writer's own views.

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