Even though some Palworld glitches and exploits have been patched in version, you can still enjoy a few cheats that will make your gameplay experience much more streamlined. Many players were expecting Pocket Pair Inc. to gradually remove some of the game-breaking glitches that made the game more than it already is. However, many OG exploits have made their way into the latest version.
In this article, we will discuss a few amazing Palworld glitches in the latest game version that can improve your in-game experience.
10 best Palworld glitches that enhance your gameplay experience
1) Infinite Legendary Spheres glitch

As the name suggests, you will have access to an unlimited supply of Legendary Spheres if you get this exploit to work correctly. To make this Palworld glitch work, you will need a few Pal Spheres besides the Legendary variant.
Once these are in your inventory, throw the Legendary Sphere at a Pal and quickly switch to the Pal Sphere. After that, every time you throw a Sphere, you will be throwing a Legendary Sphere, but the game will be tricked into thinking that you are using the Pal Spheres.
2) Duplication glitch

The duplication glitch in Palworld works fine after the latest patch. We have an extensive article that teaches you how to duplicate items in Palworld. This Palworld glitch is fantastic if you want to get a lot of resources in a very short period. You just need to time the glitch properly. Otherwise, you might have to try over and over again.
3) Pal ability glitch

This Palworld glitch makes use of Foxparks’ Partner Skill. You must craft Foxparks’ Pal gear to hold it in your hands. That way, you can use this Pal’s ability and wield it like a flamethrower.
All you have to do is add the Pal to your party, summon it, and activate its Partner Skill. When it comes towards you, try to call it back into its Sphere. If done correctly, Foxparks will be in your hands, and you will have unlimited access to its Partner Skill.
4) Direhowl’s launch glitch

This Palworld glitch uses Direhowl’s Fierce Fang skill and is a fun one to use in the game. You must add this Pal to your party and have its Pal Gear unlocked and crafted in your inventory.
After that, summon Direhowl, mount the beast, and use the Fierce Fang ability. As soon as it uses the move, press the jump button, and this should launch you into the air. This glitch will help you cover much distance, especially on a mountain or an elevated portion of land.
5) Dungeon chest glitch

To use this Palworld glitch, you must summon a flying Pal inside the Dungeon. Make sure to scale the walls to find a hole through which you can throw the Sphere so that the Pal clips through the texture, and you can fly out of the bounds of the map and go to the end of the Dungeon to collect the rewards from the chest.
6) Camp reset glitch

Using this glitch, you can spawn an infinite number of enemies at any hostile camp. All you need to do is eliminate all the enemies at any camp except one. Once that is done, collect all the drops from the enemies you killed and leave the game.
Upon entering your world, you will see that the camp has been reset, and you can repeat this to get an unlimited amount of resources.
7) Stack damage glitch

For this exploit, you will need a Sweepa and some Swee. Ideally, one Sweepa along with three Swee will suffice. You will also need the Sweepa Pal Gear to mount the monster.
You will need to summon your Sweepa and hop on. Then, get off and drop the Swee from your inventory. Since the Swee are already in your party, you will have to select all the Swee, drop them, and then pick them back up.
This will stack your damage on Sweepa every time you repeat the steps. So, it is possible to take Sweepa’s attack stat over 10,000 using this Palworld glitch.
8) Unlimited Gold Coins glitch

While you can sell items to earn Gold Coins, this glitch will earn you more Gold Coins than you will ever need. You must go to the Eastern Wild Island Fast Travel point and find a Black Marketeer that spawns fairly close to this waypoint.
Then, you must command your Pal to aggressively attack the Marketeer and engage in a conversation with him to freeze him. This way, the Marketeer won’t retaliate with his Pal and weapons, and you can easily kill him to get a truckload of Gold Coins.
You can then use your mount to go away from this location and come back after you travel a few hundred yards or so. This will respawn the Marketeer, and you can rinse and repeat.
9) Capture Palworld Tower Bosses

This Palworld glitch has been in the game since the initial release. We have a detailed article that teaches you how to catch Palworld Tower Bosses, and the glitch works in the same way as it did in the previous versions.
You will have to aggravate a cop at a Minor Settlement and then fast-travel to the Tower Boss you want to catch. Since you will have a Wanted status, the cops will follow you inside the tower. Make them attack the boss, making it freeze in one place.
You can then throw a Pal Sphere and catch the boss along with its Pal and have an extremely powerful Pal in Palworld.
10) Summon two Pals at once

To make this Palworld glitch work, you will need an incapacitated Pal along with the one that you want to summon. Make sure you can mount the Pal that you want to summon.
Once you have these, summon your mount and hop onto it. Switch to the incapacitated Pal and then scroll over to the one you want to summon. You should be able to summon the Pal without recalling the previous one back into the Sphere.