With many trainers-to-be picking up Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for the holiday season, the topic of team building is fresh in the minds of many. A new region to explore means that there will be a whole new cast of creatures, making the combinations of party members practically infinite. This is partially due to the franchise's variety of elemental typings.
While trainers are encouraged to use whichever creatures they like for their initial playthrough of the games, it is recommended to have a solid composition of offense, defense, and a handful of different elements at your disposal to make your battles much easier. One of these types players will encounter in their journey is the defensive Steel type.
Since it is resistant to a majority of the other types in battle, the Steel typing is considered to be one of the best in the entire franchise. Thankfully, players have several Steel-type Pokemon to choose from in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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What are Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's most powerful Steel-types?
1) Revavroom

One of the newest additions to the franchise, Revavroom is the first Poison and Steel-type Pokemon to be introduced in the series. With a solid speed stat of 90 and an attack stat of 119, Revavroom can easily burst through opponents before they even get a chance to react. Although its defenses are not as good as those of other Steel-type options, the typing's intrinsic defensive nature compensates for this.
A moveset of Iron Head, Poison Jab, Gear Shift, and Sandstorm allows Revavroom to have excellent coverage. Gear Shift further amplifies its speed and attack to allow for easy snowballing. Sandstorm passively damages all creatures that are not Rock-type, Ground-type, or Steel-types when it is active and also boosts Revavroom's special defense.
2) Kingambit

The new evolution of the fan favorite Bisharp, Kingambit takes the already powerful evolutionary line one step further and amplifies its offensive prowess. With an HP of 100, defense stat of 120, and an attack stat of 135, Kingambit is more than capable of taking a few hits and dishing them back tenfold.
To evolve a Bisharp into Kingambit, trainers will need to use their Bisharp to defeat three wild Bisharp holding the Leader's Crest item.
With a moveset of X-Scissor, Iron Head, Kowtow Cleave, and Swords Dance, Kingambit is one of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's most potent physical attackers.
3) Scizor

Another staple across the entire franchise, Scizor makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The Bug and Steel-type may be a bit hard to come by as it can only be found by trading a Scyther holding a Metal Coat or encountering it in post-game 5-star and 6-star Tera Raids.
With a moveset of Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, U-Turn, and Acrobatics, Scizor can deal incredible physical damage with its attack stat of 130. Its type combination also leaves it vulnerable to only Fire-type attacks. U-Turn lets it switch out after dealing damage if the battle gets a bit dicey.
4) Magnezone

Magnezone has been in every mainline Pokemon title ever since its debut in the fourth generation. Thankfully, it makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Magnezone is primarily a Steel-type, but it also possesses a secondary Electric typing and a special attack stat of 130.
With an arsenal of Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, and Confuse Ray, Magnezone can deal damage and inflict status effects on its opponents and then switch out for free. Sadly, Magnezone's secondary Electric typing also brings the weaknesses of the type. The Pokemon also has a moveset that lacks coverage options.
5) Lucario

Lucario, who is one of the most recognizable creatures in the franchise, also makes an appearance in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Keeping its trademark Steel and Fighting typing, Lucario is a potent attacker as well as a solid defender. Lucario has a speed stat of 90, and both of its attacking stats are well over 100, so not many can challenge it and walk away unscathed.
A moveset of Extreme Speed, Meteor Mash, Stone Edge, and Drain Punch gives Lucario excellent coverage options, priority attacking, and much-needed sustain in long fights. This moveset can also be paired with the Assault Vest item for an abundance of defensive bulk or the Big Root for more health recovery from Drain Punch.
While these are just a few of the best Pokemon players can use, it should be noted they are not required to only use these choices. After all, the most fun part of any Pokemon game is all the different team options players have at their disposal.
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