Considering Pokemon GO's PvP circles, Swampert's Water/Ground typing makes it an intriguing and effective fighter. It is the final evolution of the Hoenn starter Pokemon Mudkip.
When taking on Swampert in a battle situation, Pokemon GO trainers will want to take advantage of its type weaknesses. To be specific, Swampert only has one type weakness in the game, but it is twice as effective.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Although it is partially Water-type, Swampert's Ground typing protects it from Electric-type moves. However, it has zero defenses when dealing with Grass-type moves, which are 256 percent above normal effect.
Swampert in Pokemon GO: Use Grass-type Pokemon as a hard counter

With its sizable Grass-type vulnerability in mind, countering Swampert shouldn't be too difficult. There are plenty of Grass-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, but Swampert won't go down without a fight and may still be able to defeat weaker Grass-types before losing all of its HP.
However, there are more than enough moves and Pokemon that stand out as hard counters against Swampert. Pokemon GO trainers can find a great collection of top picks to counter Swampert, both Pokemon and move-wise, below:
Fast Moves
- Vine Whip
- Razor Leaf
- Bullet Seed
Charge Moves
- Frenzy Plant
- Energy Ball
- Power Whip
- Grass Knot
- Solar Beam
- Leaf Blade
- Leaf Storm
- Seed Bomb
- Mega Venusaur/Venusaur
- Mega Abomasnow/Abomasnow
- Zarude
- Roserade
- Tangrowth
- Sceptile
- Torterra
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Exeggutor
- Leafeon
- Chesnaught
- Simisage
- Breloom
- Leavanny
- Shiftry
- Vileplume
- Victreebell
- Meganium
- Carnivine
- Virizion
- Ludicolo
- Maractus
- Serperior
- Sunflora
- Gourgeist
- Celebi
As long as players keep hammering away at Swampert with Grass-type moves, especially with these Pokemon GO picks, it should be a quick victory. As a raid boss, trainers will obviously have an allotted time limit, but Swampert can be defeated in a raid with plenty of time to spare.
PvP situations can be trickier, as Swampert is durable and benefits highly from the use of shields. It may be worth using lower-energy Charge Moves or other Pokemon's Charge Moves in order to bait its shields into being wasted.
After that, it will be helpless against heavy-hitting Grass moves like Solar Beam or Power Whip.
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