How to catch a shiny Ponyta in Pokemon GO

Shiny Galarian Ponyta (Image via Game Freak)
Shiny Galarian Ponyta (Image via Game Freak)

In Pokemon GO, the majestic Ponyta has two stunning shiny forms. Both Galarian Ponyta, as well as the original Pocket Monster, each have a shiny version in the mobile game.

Both shiny versions of Ponyta are highly sought after by Pokemon GO trainers, and thus players of the game are extremely interested in finding out how to capture them. Here are the best ways to catch both shiny Ponytas.

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How to get a shiny Ponyta in Pokemon GO

The shiny version of the original Ponyta in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)
The shiny version of the original Ponyta in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Blue shiny Ponyta

In order for a player to catch a shiny blue Ponyta in Pokemon GO, the process is pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, that also means that there aren't a whole lot of methods to improve one's odds of encountering the shiny version of the original Ponyta.

Being a Fire-type Pokemon, Ponyta spawns more often when the mobile game records the weather as being in a 'sunny' condition. The only way to increase a player's chance of finding a shiny Ponyta is to increase the amount of times they see the mon in the wild. Thus, hunting for Ponyta on sunny days is the only method a trainer can utilize to find its shiny version.

Shiny Galarian Ponyta

Now, things are a bit different when it comes to how a player can catch a shiny Galarian Ponyta in Pokemon GO. In fact, right away a trainer's odds of encountering this shiny are already greater than the blue shiny version.

That's because for the entire month of May, Galarian Ponyta will be appearing in Research Breakthrough encounters. While this doesn't improve one's odds of finding a shiny Galarian Ponyta by a whole lot, it will increase chances a little, simply because of the guaranteed encounters.

In addition, the opportunity for a trainer to catch this particular shiny is greater than ever. This is due to the global Pokemon GO challenge being successfully completed. Niantic is now offering some fantastic rewards to players because of their group effort to beat their challenge.

Thankfully, shiny Galarian Ponyta will remain in Pokemon GO even after the other rewards for this challenge expire. Of course, it will still take a lot of Ponyta hunting for a trainer to find the shiny version.

The only true way to improve one's odds of catching these shiny Ponytas is to encounter as many as possible or hope that Niantic runs another event featuring them in the near future.

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