How to farm Stardust in Pokemon GO

Stardust is a very important resource in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)
Stardust is a very important resource in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Stardust is both the most plentiful and challenging resource for players to get their hands on in Pokemon GO. Stardust allows players to power up their Pokemon to make them more effective in Raid Battles and Trainer Battles. Many players already know that Stardust is awarded to players upon catching a Pokemon or completing a Raid Battle. But for players who cannot leave their house to go to the nearest Raid Battle, have no one to help them with Raid Battles, or cannot find one or any wild Pokemon, there has to be a better way to acquire a large amount of Stardust.

Farming Stardust in Pokemon GO

There are many ways a player can collect Stardust in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)
There are many ways a player can collect Stardust in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

The best way to get Stardust can differ from place to place. A player who lives on a college campus will have an easier time collecting Stardust than a player who lives in the middle of nowhere. For busier places, the best method is by walking an established route that passes by a lot of Pokestops and a gym controlled by the team you are on. Passing by Pokestops can give berries that you can then feed to the Pokemon defending that gym after the maximum amount of berries have been fed. Simply wait for thirty minutes and repeat the process.

Catching Pokemon is also a great way to farm Stardust. While out spinning Pokestops for berries, you will also be collecting a lot of Pokeballs. While walking, catch the Pokemon that are easiest to catch, like Pidgey or Slakoth for easy Stardust. Hatching Pokemon from eggs is also a great way to get Stardust. While out walking the chosen route, it is also best to use a Star Piece to gain a 1.5x multiplier on every amount of Stardust you receive for a certain amount of time.

To maximize the amount of Pokestops spun, Pokemon caught, as well as to save battery power on your phone, an Auto-Catcher accessory like the Pokemon GO Plus or the Go-tcha Evolve will be worth the investment. Opening gifts received from friends is also an excellent way to collect lots of Stardust. Also, try to prioritize research missions that reward Stardust upon completion.

Catching Pokemon, using Star Pieces, and completing missions are great ways to get Stardust in Pokemon GO. (Image via Niantic)
Catching Pokemon, using Star Pieces, and completing missions are great ways to get Stardust in Pokemon GO. (Image via Niantic)

The most consistent way to farm Stardust in Pokemon GO is by simply playing the game regularly. Doing basic things in-game such as walking, catching Pokemon, and opening gifts grant Stardust. The game even acknowledges this by giving players a lot of Stardust and XP by completing a seven-day catching streak.

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