One Piece chapter 1076: Kid and Luffy set to wage wars against massive forces of Shanks and the World Government

Kid (left) and Luffy (right) as seen in the series
Kid (left) and Luffy (right) as seen in the series' anime (Image via Toei Animation)

One Piece chapter 1076 scanlations were released on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, bringing with them the incredibly exciting continuation to the Egghead Island arc. While fans were unsure what to expect from the issue after Lucci and Kaku's request to team up with Luffy and Zoro, it appears that the foursome does decide to collaborate.

Chapter 1076 of One Piece also excitingly shows readers where Dr. Vegapunk is, all but confirming that his disappearance was the work of the Vegapunk traitor. This is due to his being discovered in a secret prison alongside the Cipher Pol agents, whose disappearances were mentioned at the beginning of the Egghead Island arc.

As if that weren't enough, Eustass Kid and Shanks appear to be planning a war in Elbaf in the coming issues. Follow along as this article fully breaks down the One Piece chapter 1076 scanlations.

One Piece chapter 1076 sees Luffy and Kid set to engage in their own wars against massive numbers

One Piece chapter 1076: An unfortunate team-up

One Piece chapter 1076 scanlations begin immediately where the last issue ended, with Zoro saying he doesn’t see Rob Lucci and Kaku allowing themselves to be cuffed again later. Kaku denies this, saying they’ll put the restraints back on without a fight once the Seraphim are beaten. Luffy happily agrees in that case, but Zoro points out that it’s an obvious lie.

The issue then sees S-Hawk launch an attack on the group with the Dice-Dice Fruit, better known as Daz Bones’ Devil Fruit. Zoro and Luffy then have to save Kaku and Lucci again, with Kaku pointing out that they won't get anywhere as long as they keep saving CP0. Vegapunk Shaka then asks them what their mission here was, to which Lucci openly admits that it was eliminating all seven Vegapunks.

Shaka asks if he’ll show Stussy any mercy given her betrayal, but Lucci says he won’t show her any. Kaku angrily cries out, asking Lucci if he’s trying to convince Luffy and Zoro not to save them when a scream is suddenly heard outside the room. One Piece chapter 1076 sees Zoro recognize it as Nami’s voice, questioning how they can possibly protect both their entire crew and the seven Vegapunks.

Luffy then asks Shaka for the handcuff keys, and Shaka agrees, saying that the main Stella body, Dr. Vegapunk, must be protected at all costs. Luffy then asks Lucci if he plans to go after his crew and the Vegapunks once the Seraphim are defeated and he realizes he can’t beat Luffy.

One Piece chapter 1076 sees Zoro call Luffy an idiot, thinking that Lucci won’t fall for a taunt like that, but Lucci indeed does, promising that he plans to kill Luffy first before the others. As a shocked Zoro acknowledges that Lucci took the bait, S-Bear launches an Ursus Shock at the group just as Lucci and Kaku are freed from their cuffs.

Luffy transforms into Gear Fourth, while Lucci is in his non-Awakened Hybrid form. The two use a Gum-Gum Kong Gun and a Six King Gun to launch S-Bear out of the building. Base-form Zoro and base-form Kaku use a Purgatory Onigiri and a Tempest Kick: White Thunder on S-Hawk for the same result, successfully eliminating the Seraphim threat for now.

One Piece chapter 1076: Dr. Vegapunk found and a war started

One Piece chapter 1076 then shifts perspectives to a secret prison somewhere deep within the lab, where several Cipher Pol agents have been imprisoned for over two months at the longest. These agents were part of the disappearances mentioned at the onset of the arc by Lucci himself, with one of the agents explaining their situation and apologizing to someone.

This someone is revealed to be Dr. Vegapunk, who in turn apologizes for not knowing anything about their situation or anything like it happening on Egghead Island. A bloodied and beaten Dr. Vegapunk says he’s tired as he questions if his Poneglyph research was somehow leaked to the World Government. As the issue shifts its focus away from Egghead Island, readers notice Marine communications that reveal over 100 ships on their way to Egghead.

One Piece chapter 1076 then takes readers to “a bar at a small port on a certain island in the new world,” where someone is being asked to be taken along on a trip. A silhouetted figure says there’s no way he’d bring a hot-headed kid like them, to which a bartender says that the child should give up since they’ll make all the other captains jealous.

The child responds that he really looks up to “the chief,” when the silhouetted man is revealed to be none other than Shanks himself. Rockstar tells Shanks “that bastard” is actually attacking them, saying that it looks set to turn into a full-on battle soon. Shanks questions if this is good or bad timing since they were just about to set off, adding that he lost time catching up with old friends he thought were dead.

Shanks then turns to his trust crewmates Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux, and Yasopp, where Beckman jokes that the enemy will be pissed at having been kept waiting. Lucky Roux laughs, asking Beckman specifically if he thinks Shanks is the only one their enemy is mad at. Shanks then announces that they’re setting sail, with the child from before asking him if he’s really going out there to fight.

Shanks responds that he’d never let this island become a warzone, wooing the bartender with his words. He then asks Dorry and Brogy for a hand since he doesn’t want to cause any major trouble, with One Piece chapter 1076 revealing the island he’s currently on to be Elbaf, home of the Giants. Oimo and Kashi are also seen alongside their former captains, suggesting that they were successful in rescuing them from Little Garden.

Dorry and Brogy happily agree to help Shanks, prompting the Yonko to have Rockstar send a message to Captain Eustass Kid, their enemy. The message is that Kid and his crew can either hand over the Road Poneglyph rubbings and leave, or risk fighting Shanks and his crew for a second time.

One Piece chapter 1076 then takes readers to the seas around Elbaf, where Killer is commenting on how numerous their enemy is. Killer continues that every crew allied with Shanks seems to be a big shot, as Kid grabs and adjusts his mechanical arm. Killer then reveals that the last fight resulted in Kid losing his arm before even seeing Shanks himself.

He adds that the Red-Haired Pirates won’t settle for just an arm this time and that they’ll take Kid’s life instead. Shanks is then seen walking through Elbaf to his ship, with him and his crew being adored by the locals and other captains present. In the issue’s final panels, Kid laughs and tells Killer that’s only the case if he loses, as the two set off to meet each other in battle with determined faces.

One Piece chapter 1076: In summation

Overall, One Piece chapter 1076 is an extremely thrilling and riveting chapter, with both Luffy and Kid being set up to fight their own wars against massive forces. The issue’s apparent confirmation that there is indeed a traitor amongst the Vegapunks is also exciting, indicated by where readers see Dr. Vegapunk himself was imprisoned.

One Piece Chapter 1076 is also exciting for seemingly teasing the future conflict between Luffy and Zoro and Lucci and Kaku. While the latter two have apparently promised to allow themselves to be restrained once more, Zoro’s misgivings on the situation overall could be foreshadowing their eventual rebellion against the Straw Hats.

Follow along for more One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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