Straw Hat chef Sanji is a fan-favourite character in One Piece, especially after his full backstory was revealed via the Whole Cake Island arc. While his character is fairly engaging (when his problematic pleasures aren’t at the forefront), his fights throughout the series are universally praised.
Sanji’s fighting style is one of the most unique in One Piece, with his flurry of food-named kicks being a choreographic masterpiece. He’s also had some of the best fights in the series, even during the early chapters following his initial debut.
Here are Sanji’s ten best fights in One Piece, ranked.
Enel, Doflamingo, and 8 other characters feature in Sanji’s top 10 fights in One Piece
10) Sanji vs. Wadatsumi

While not a particularly exciting fight in terms of action or stakes, Sanji versus Wadatsumi at least gave fans a look at his new Sky Walkability.
The technique allowed him to kick off of air, essentially letting him fly as long as he could keep kicking. While the fight's final moments did make for a nice cap, the general fight wasn’t as exciting as others on the list.
9) Sanji vs. Doflamingo

Although more of a scuffle than a full-on fight, the attractive thing about Sanji versus Doflamingo is the latter’s approval of the former as a fighter. While the latter quickly takes the former out, this sign of approval from a then-Warlord is extremely impressive.
This fight arguably solidifies Sanji as ready to take on One Piece’s New World threats.
8) Sanji vs. Germa 66

When first reuniting with his family, Sanji scuffles with his brothers and father at various points for various reasons. While the fights aren't jaw-dropping in their physicality, the emotional combination of all of these scuffles deepens and highlights his backstory excellently.
With the emotional suspense behind these fights, the Germa 66 scuffles are undoubtedly within his top ten battles.
7) Sanji vs. Vergo

Sanji versus Vergo is an incredibly quick, yet satisfying scuffle during the Punk Hazard arc. The two trade blows ceaselessly, with neither seeming to get a clear advantage.
While the conflict does end as quickly as it starts, it's no doubt one of his top ten fights in One Piece.
6) Sanji vs. Enel

Like the Vergo conflict, Sanji versus Enel is more of a skirmish than a full-blown, legitimate fight.
Nonetheless, his sabotage of the Skypiean God’s plans, as well as his incredibly memorable one-liner following his defeat, make for one of the most memorable and exciting fights Sanji has had in all of One Piece.
5) Sanji vs. Jabura

Serving as Sanji’s main contribution to Robin's rescue, the Jabura fight sees Sanji debut a brand new powerup, as well as fight with a newfound ferocity. The battle is extremely well done, from choreography and stakes to the conflict of personal philosophies.
There are also some great comedy moments too, which make this fight one of Sanji’s most well-rounded ones in One Piece.
4) Sanji vs. Page One

Serving as his first major fight in One Piece’s currently releasing Wano arc, the Page One battle sees him debut his Germa 66 Raid Suit. The fight is beautifully choreographed in both anime and manga, and the animated version elevates that quality further.
Law’s commentary in both adaptations serves as a great touch, making the fight one of Sanji’s most enjoyable in One Piece.
3) Sanji vs. Luffy

Being both visually pleasing and emotionally intensive, the Sanji versus Luffy fight is one fans hate to watch, yet can’t look away from. The emotional stakes and tension here are palpable, and the latter refusing to fight back against the former heightens these emotions.
The ending of the fight is incredibly touching, with Sanji distraught at what he does to his friend.
2) Sanji vs. Bon Clay

One of Sanji’s earliest fights is undoubtedly still one of his best. The Bon Clay conflict is his first versus another kicking fighter and delivers in that area and so much more.
The two are constantly trading blows, many of which land simultaneously in fantastic fashion. Their acceptance of one another in the end also paves the way for Clay’s relationship with the Straw Hats throughout One Piece.
Warning: One Piece manga spoilers in the next section.
1) Sanji vs. Queen

Serving as his ultimate fight in the Wano arc, Sanji vs. Queen is easily his best fight in the entire series. He experiences both a mental and physical metamorphosis throughout the conflict, serving as a fantastic capstone to his backstory. The debut of Ifrit Jambe here also raises him to new, extremely hot heights.
In summation
These are some of the amazing fight sequences that the Black Leg Sanji has fought over the years. However, there is more to come, as the world of One Piece created by Oda is so vast and never-ending that it might take another decade or two to complete the series.
Be sure to follow for more anime updates and manga news as 2023 progresses.
This article was modified on Friday, June 23 at 12:00 AM