The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 continues Percival's group's adventures in Liones. It has plenty of reveals that push the story and characters further, and illustrates that there's trouble coming for Liones.
As Percival's group barely got any time to recover from being teleported in the middle of the city in episode 16, the prior episode showcased Percival meeting Meliodas before being subject to a fight between his group and Tristan's platoon. Due to Percival's group being ganged up on, Prince Tristan had to step in before the fight got any worse for them.
As per usual, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 showcased that things weren't going to end all that neatly. Percival's powers continue to grow as storm clouds gather over the seemingly peaceful city, as trouble is coming for Liones.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18: A storm approaches Liones
A prophecy of doom

Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 starts and ends with a doomsday prophecy for Liones given by the previous king Bartra Liones with his Vision powers that Meliodas overhears. The prophecy goes as follows:
"When the moon and distant thunder bless the kingdom, the four knights of prophecy will assemble. But through the work of an Assassin of Chaos and the Blade of a Traitor, Hope will be snatched away once more."
Though the words are the same both times, different characters are highlighted in each telling. In the beginning, the "Assassin of Chaos" line sweeps over Tristan's Platoon with emphasis placed on Chion, whereas the "Blade of a Traitor" line curiously shows Lancelot. This implies that the two will ultimately lead to Percival's group splintering or downfall, evidence would point hard to Chion at least.
However, at the end of Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18, the lines highlight other characters. The "Assassin of Chaos" line now falls on Gawain in their silver and gold armor with the moon's light shining on them, and the "Blade of a Traitor" line now falls upon Bartra's caretaker. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 is foreshadowing doom falling upon Liones.
Prince Tristan
As predicted before in episode 17, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 shows that the returning character Prince Tristan does indeed have a level head on his shoulders. He reprimands his platoon about the situation, ordering Chion to lift the Slyph spell off Percival's friends and revealing that he knew about the piece of the Coffin.
Chion decides to taunt Percival and that, plus Percival feeling like he lost his friends, seem to unlock hidden powers within Percival that nearly reduce one of Chion's arms to bone. Prince Tristan intervenes and briefly fights Percival above the city, trying to use Twinkling Star to no avail since Percival isn't a demon.
The fight ends when Percival's friends back him up, hugging him, and causing his magic to stabilize. When Percival is revealed as a Knight of the Apocalypse who was personally invited by Meliodas, Tristan orders the darkness around him removed at once and heals the group's wounds instantly as he can heal any wounds and is related to the Goddess Clan.
The misunderstanding is repaired and a couple of big reveals happen

Usually, a massive misunderstanding being resolved leads to a big fight with the true villain, like in the Cant Arc, the Echo Gorge Arc, and the Sistana Arc. However, Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 has the misunderstanding resolved peacefully but with a few caveats and a few massive reveals.
The first is Chion, as despite being healed by Percival when his group advised against it, he lies about not hearing about Percival's appearance or knowing that he stole a piece of the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. Tristan mentions hearing that from Gowther from episode 14. The other caveat is Isolde, who runs off without truly telling Tristan why she attacked Percival in the first place.
Isolde's anger getting the better of her and not being able to speak her true feelings has happened before, judging by Jade and Chion's nonchalant reactions to the flustered knight running away.
This leads to big revelations—the four knights are all in Liones, Percival is one, Tristan reveals himself to be one, and Lancelot is revealed to be the third with Gawain being the fourth and having been brought to Liones by Tristan.
The search for Gawain begins

Lancelot comes bearing dreadful news that Gawain has gone missing from the castle and everyone is shanghaied into searching for the knight. Thus, the teams split up to cover the three entrances into town—Tristan's group covering the western gate, Percival's group covering the eastern gate, and Lancelot going solo to cover the southern gate.
The only identifying details about Gawain are the knight's name, armor description, and Golden Magic. The background music even cuts out as it is building to a dramatic crescendo when Tristan reveals that's all he knows, though Lancelot quickly goads him into revealing more via mind reading. He learns that Gawain is directly blood-related to King Arthur and it might spell trouble if made public.
Everyone sets out, with Percival's group having the hardest time and having their suspicions about Gawain, about Chion thanks to Anne's Truth Magic, and about Percival's magic going haywire. Percival, in turn, is grateful to everyone for helping pull him back from despair and approaches the task with his usual zeal.
The midsummer moon and mysterious girl

Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 ends with half the prophecy coming true—a midsummer moon and rain with distant thunder suddenly appear and loom over Liones. A mysterious redheaded girl, whose face isn't shown until the post-credits scene, says she's waited for this for a long time as she skips outside.
As Lancelot uses his mind-reading powers to scan people around the southern gate, the girl approaches him and begins asking him questions. At first, he's annoyed by her questions but then she catches him off guard by repeating a phrase from him exactly as if she can read minds like Lancelot. Her face even catches him off guard as he had dreamed about her in episode 12.
The girl reveals that she knows everything about him because she's his lover and kisses him directly on the lips, to his shock. The final image of Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 is Lancelot being fully lip-locked with the girl, presumably Guinevere if the anime is following Arthurian legends, in total shock.
The preview title for the next episode is Liones in Flames, seemingly confirming the doomsday prophecy.
Final thoughts
Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 has plenty of reveals to give out, from the prophecy to the reveals that Percival's group had been traveling with an Apocalpyse Knight in Lancelot the whole time, to the mysterious redheaded girl and Gawain. There are plenty of reveals with little time wasted moving on to the search.
The big takeaway from Four Knights of the Apocalypse episode 18 is that someone, possibly Chion, is set to betray them all. Moreover, they need all four knights together, which seems like it's going to be tricky because the seemingly tallest and most noticeable of them has gone missing, and Lancelot has now met his future lover to his absolute bewilderment.
What this means for the future of Liones and Meliodas, considering the next episode title, paints a very dark picture indeed. The Four Knights may all be assembled in Liones, but it seems like things are going to get worse before they get better. But fans will have to tune in next week to see just how much worse things get.