Viral Hit episode 9 answered the important question of whether or not Hobin and Bomi would reconcile. It has lingered over Hobin since his humiliation in episode 4 and his subsequent ghosting of Bomi for two months. The episode focuses on both Gaeul and Bomi and the problems both girls have to deal with.
It's refreshing that Viral Hit as a series doesn't just revolve around Hobin, fighting, and his Newtubu channel. The series already showed this with Snapper's pride issues and hints of Kim getting more involved, but it's more explicit with Viral Hit episode 9. Episode 9 features a ton of callbacks and opponents that are a nice change of pace from the school bully and former MMA fighter.
Viral Hit episode 9: Bomi and Gaeul's woes

Anyone working in the service industry usually has stories to tell about unwanted advances, and Bomi in Viral Hit episode 9 is no exception. Since Hobin effectively ghosted Bomi, she's been subjected to unwanted advances by a huge Korean Ssireum wrestler named Mangi Hwang. He always asks for her phone number along with his food, despite her repeatedly rejecting him.
Even after ordering his orders of 30 burgers with fries to match, he persists in coming in and pestering her, even after management tells him to clear out. This happens more than once in Viral Hit episode 9, and it's portrayed as creepy and intimidating as it can be. The episode also sees Bomi express anxiety about going home alone for fear that he's stalking her.
What's worse is that Hwang watched Viral Hit, seeing how Hobin beat Taehun in episode 8. This inspires Hwang to challenge Hobin to boost his subscribers and viewers, also implying he forces a relationship with Bomi afterward. Considering he's able to lift large slabs of meat that weigh over 200 kilos (or approximately 441 pounds rounded up) with relative ease, Hobin might be in serious trouble.
Gaeul getting bullied by The Comedy Crew

Gaeul, meanwhile, seems to be in brighter spirits than she was earlier in the series. Her attempt to mark down progress on her "To-Do List" is interrupted by a group of prankster first-years calling themselves The Comedy Crew. Her list includes things like - "stop talking like an old man, stop spontaneously bursting into song, and stop using outdated phrases and slang."
The Comedy Crew is a group of five freshmen (or first years), all taller than Hobin Snapper and Gaeul. They specialize in YouTube videos about practical jokes and pranks meant to startle people for clicks. They're also bullies and make fun of Gaeul's manner of speech and stature by lifting her off the ground. The Comedy Crew also insinuates that Hobin vs. Taehun was staged, which infuriates Gaeul enough to swing at them.
When Snapper tries to go to her rescue, he is seemingly almost instantly mobbed by the crew, but off-screen. Hobin also goes to help, and the threat of a five-on-one is thankfully averted when Museong Kim joins in to break it up. Hilariously, their leader lets out a horrified scream when Kim shows up. It's a long-running gag that everyone on the 'school bully' level, like Pakgo, is scared of Kim, as seen in episodes 2 and 4.
Hobin's reconciliation with Bomi

Hobin getting bailed out by Kim in Viral Hit episode 9 is more than just a callback to when Kim saved Hobin in episode 4. He also reminds him to call Bomi and go see her since she is worried sick. Kim is becoming more friendly with Hobin, having been watching Viral Hit during the Taehun fight in episode 8 alongside Bomi.
As for Bomi and Hobin, one of the major points of Viral Hit Episode 9 is the two reconciling. It's a hard thing to do, as Hobin still feels embarrassed over his humiliation in episode 4 after their date in episode 3 and Bomi feels like she abandoned him to his fate. Naturally, their first face-to-face meeting after two months is incredibly frosty and awkward at first.
Everything slowly began to fall back into normalcy when Bomi giggled at Hobin, having written what he was going to say to her on his hand. A major problem occurs when Bomi icily smiles at Hobin and asks if he thinks his editor is cute. Gaeul showing up, however, turns the situation around when she gives Bomi a gift and covers for Hobin by saying he got it for Bomi and constantly talks about her.
Gaeul's unreciprocated affections

Viral Hit episode 9 reveals that Gaeul is infatuated with Hobin. She was already shown being concerned about his well-being in episode 8, and this episode expands on her feelings. Gaeul also has an almost identical romantic fantasy as Hobin, and Snapper from episodes 3 and 6.
She decides to try confessing with a gift the following day, especially when Hobin expresses concern over her well-being and promises to teach her how to fight. She is brimming with excitement, though it gets deflated when she arrives at the fast food place Bomi works at.
It's crushing when she reads the room and puts together his affections for Bomi. She gives her the gift, talks Hobin up a bit to repair their relationship, and walks away with the "ingrown toenail" excuse. This mirrors Hobin's actions in episode 4, when he felt like a third wheel. The difference between the two, however, is that Hobin had misread the situation, whereas Gaeul has unreciprocated feelings.
Viral Hit's next opponents: The Comedy Crew

The next opponent of Viral Hit is The Comedy Crew, and it's proven when they cross the line several times in Viral Hit episode 9. It's one thing that their "content" for their Newtube channel consists of startling people and laughing at it like they do to Gaeul. It's entirely different when they go into outright bullying and harassment, like lifting someone off the ground or beating someone down.
If the ending of the episode is any indication, their startling humor has caused Bomi to get hit by a car. She is texting Hobin when they throw a snake at her, startling her and falling on the street with a car barreling down. The episode ends with Bomi about to get hit by a car before cutting to the preview of the next episode. Bomi is hospitalized in the preview.
What did it for Hobin was Bomi being hospitalized for the sake of a prank and "content." Additionally, their bullying of Gaeul, beating up Snapper, belittling Viral Hit, and being bullies had already gotten to him. Viral Hit episode 9 ends on the next lesson preview of fighting multiple opponents with the Comedy Crew firmly in Hobin's crosshairs.
Final Thoughts

The title of Viral Hit episode 9 is Friends, and it means more than one thing. Hobin is getting attached to having Snapper and Gaeul around as friends, and Taehun possibly redeeming himself to become a friend. Kim is also becoming friends with Hobin. The bullying victims constantly picked on or dismissed, are now forming a pack.
While Hobin is the main character of Viral Hit, episode 9 shows he's not the only one dealing with problems with bullying or other obstacles in his life. Bomi is getting harassed at work, Gaeul's getting bullied at school, and the Comedy Crew is being menaces, among other things.
It helps to flesh out the world, showing that bullying comes in many forms besides outright jerks like Pakgo or sadists like Taehun. Viral Hit episode 9 juxtaposes it with the genuine bonds of friendship being formed by the outcasts of society when they choose to band together
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