At launch, there will be a total of six Wildcards in Black Ops 6. However, none of them will be available right out of the box and players must level up before they can get their hands on them. But exactly are Wildcards? Simply put, these special cards give players the option to further customize their loadouts which is beyond the scope of the default setups.
For instance, a certain Wildcard allows you to equip a whopping eight attachments to your Primary Weapon over the default five. Wildcards are a classic Black Ops feature and were last seen with Black Ops Cold War. In the BO6 Beta, players also had the opportunity to test a few of them. However, only full suite is only available now.
That said, in this article, we’ll take a closer look at all the Wildcards in the title and how you can unlock them all.
How to unlock all the Wildcards in Black Ops 6
To unlock all Wildcards in Black Ops 6, you must level up your Military Rank i.e. that is your Profile Level. The following are all the Wildcards in Black Ops 6 and the requirements to unlock them all:
Also read: All Perks in Black Ops 6 and how to unlock them

These are all the Wildcards in the shooter at launch. Although Call of Duty hasn’t confirmed it yet, expect more Wildcards to be available in the game in the future seasonal updates. Also, do note that Wildcards are exclusively for the Multiplayer mode of BO6 and won’t be available for use in Zombies.
Read more: All weapons in Black Ops 6 and how to unlock them
That covers everything that you need to know about the Wildcards in B06 and how you can get them all at launch.
For the latest Call of Duty news and guides, check out the links below:
- All Scorestreaks in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and how to unlock them
- Black Ops 6 characters glowing blue/red: How to potentially fix, reason
- How to Pack-A-Punch in Black Ops 6 Zombies Liberty Falls
- How to unlock Dark Spine animated Mastery Camo in Black Ops 6
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