The best controller settings for Black Ops 6 can not only help you get more kills but also get more wins, eventually helping you get better. Your controller is the only way you will interact with the game. Using it, you'll move around and aim at all your enemies. Being an FPS game these two aspects become some of the most crucial elements and they are solely dependent on your controller and how you, the player use it.
So, you must get your controller settings for Black Ops 6 right. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best controller settings for Black Ops 6.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinion. These settings can differ for every individual.
Exploring the best controller settings for Black Ops 6
Here are the best controller settings for Black Ops 6:

Input settings
- Button Layout: Tactical
- Stick Layout Present: Default
- Horizontal Stick Sensitivity: 9
- Vertical Stick Sensitivity: 8
- Simplified Controls: Off
- Low Motor Strain: Off
- Bumper Ping: Off
- Swap L1/R1 or LB/RB with L2/R2 or LT/RT: Off
Controller settings
- Controller Vibration: Off
- Trigger Effect: Off
Deadzone Inputs
- Test Stick Deadzone: Off
- Left Stick Min: 0
- Left Stick Max: 60
- Right Stick Min: 0
- Right Stick Max: 99
- Left Trigger: 0
- Right Trigger: 0
To use the best controller settings for Black Ops 6, it's highly recommended to pick the Tactical Button layout over others, as this switches the melee button with the Change Stance/Slide/Dive button for a more comfortable movement experience in a match.
As for the Deadzones, they are important to optimize your aim assist. But they do vary depending on the controller you are using. Hence, you should start by setting the Left Stick Min and Right Stick Min to 0, and then enable Test Stick Deadzone. Now, without touching the sticks, check your vertical axis percentage and then you may adjust the Left and Right Stick min as per those values. These will assist you in achieving the best controller settings for Black Ops 6.
Also read: Best audio settings in Black Ops 6
Best Aiming Settings
Sensitivity Multiplier
- 3rd Person Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.0
- Ground Vehicles Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.00
- Air Vehicles Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.00
- Tablet Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.00
- ADS Sensitivity Multiplier: 0.83
- ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (Focus): 1.00
- Look Inversion: Standard
Aiming Advanced Settings
- Look Inversion: Personal preference
- ADS Sensitivity Transition Timing: Instant
- 3rd Person ADS Correction Type: Assist
- Aim Response Curve Type: Dynamic
- Custom ADS Sensitivity Per Zoom: On
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (Low Zoom): 0.85
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (2x-3x Zoom): 0.85
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (4x-5x Zoom): 0.85
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (6x-7x Zoom): 0.85
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (8x-9x Zoom): 0.90
- ADS Sens. Multiplier (High Zoom): 1.00
Aim Assist
- Target Aim Assist: On
Motion Sensor
- Motion Sensor Behavior: Off
Best Movement Settings
Intelligent Movement
- Sprint Assist: Off
- Mantle Assist: Off
- Crouch Assist: Off
- Corner Slice: On
Movement Behaviors
- Slide/Dive Behavior: Hybrid
- Automatic Airborne Mantle: Off
- Sprint Restore: On
- Slide Maintains Sprint: On
- Parachute Automatic Behavior: Free Fall
- Mantle Cancels Reload: On
Movement Advanced Settings
- Sprint/Tactical Sprint Behavior: Toggle
- Auto Move Forward: Off
- Auto Door Peek: Off
- Sprint Restore: On
- Tactical Sprint Behavior: Single Tap Sprint
- Plugging Underwater: Trigger
- Sprinting Door Bash: On
Vehicle Advanced Settings
- Vehicle Control Mode: Driver Control
- Scorestreak Vehicle Control Mode: Aim-Based Control
- Vehicle Camera Recenter: Short Delay
- Camera Initial Position: Free Look
- Lean-Out Activation: Melee/Finishing Move/Body Shield
Best Combat Settings
Combat Behaviors
- Aim Down Sight Behavior: Hold
- Weapon Mount Activation: ADS + Melee
- Dedicated Melee Weapon Activation: Hold Melee
- Body Shield/Finishing Move Behavior: Prioritize Body Shield
- Armor Plate Behavior: Apply All
- Quick C4 Detonation: All at Once
- Equipment Behavior: Hold
- Manual Fire Behavior: Press
Combat Advanced Settings
- Change Dpad Up Behavior: Ping
- Change Zoom Activation: Sprint/Tactical Sprint/Focus
- Weapon Mount Exit: Short Delay
- Interact/Reload Behavior: Prioritize Reload
- Sprint Cancels Reload: Off
- Akimbo Behavior: Independent
- ADS Stick Swap: Off
- Depleted Ammo Weapon Switch: Off
Overlay behaviors
- Scoreboard/Map/Stats Behavior: Toggle
Overlay Advanced Settings
- Inventory Control: Directional Buttons
- Ping Wheel Delay: Moderate
- Double Tap Danger Ping Delay: Moderate
- Wheels Behavior: Hold
Best FOV Settings
Field of View
- Field of View (FOV): 110
- ADS Field of View: Affected
- Weapon Field of View: Wide
- 3rd Field of View: 90
- Vehicle Field of View: Wide
- World Motion Blur: Off
- Weapon Motion Blur: Off
- 1st Person Camera Movement: Least (50%)
- 3rd Person Camera Movement: Least (50%)
- 3rd Person Camera Movement: 3rd Person ADS
- Inverted Flash Bang: As per preference
Read More: Best graphics settings for maximum FPS in Black Ops 6
By using the best controller settings for Black Ops 6, you will get the best possible experience in the game. However, do note that these settings are optimized for the average user and everyone has different preferences on how they want their controllers to behave in-game.
Hence, it is advised to start with these settings and head over to the Firing Range to test them out first. You can then change them according to your preference and get your own set of best controller settings for Black Ops 6.
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