5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Baptiste

5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Baptiste(Image via Blizzard Entertainment and edited by Sportskeeda)
5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Baptiste(Image via Blizzard Entertainment and edited by Sportskeeda)

An ex-Talon agent, Baptiste is a versatile hero on Overwatch 2's Support roster. He is a combat medic, equipped with a variety of experimental tools in his kit which helps him keep his allies alive and inflict a lot of damage simultaneously. Besides his damage-dealing potential, Baptiste's Biotic Launcher also acts as his primary healing mechanic. His passive, Exo-Boots, allows him to quickly gain high ground to reposition himself and open up angles to create space and replenish the team’s health.

He also possesses Regenerative Burst, which instantly heals anyone under 50hp around him with 100hp, and a heal-over-time effect lasting for five seconds, offering 10 healing per second.


Immortality Field is arguably Baptiste’s most powerful ability in Overwatch 2. It is deployable and has a 6.5m radius. It prevents his or his allies' health from dipping below 25%, essentially making them immortal till the generator expires or gets destroyed.

Baptiste’s ultimate, Amplification Matrix, amplifies any outgoing projectile or hit-scan damage or healing by 100%. It is amongst the most useful ultimates available in Overwatch 2.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

5 best heroes to partner up with Baptiste in Overwatch 2: Reinhardt, Orisa, Bastion, and more

Baptiste thrives the most in a brawl comp with AoE healing and simultaneously shooting at enemies to charge his ultimate. Below are some of the Overwatch 2 heroes that dovetail well with him:

1) Reinhardt


Baptiste and Reinhardt are like peanut butter and jelly in Overwatch 2. Reinhardt’s playstyle centers around a very strong brawl comp. With Baptiste providing AoE healing to him and the entire team, team fights become quite breezy.

Whenever Reinhardt charges in for a risky play, Baptiste can use his Immortality Field to ensure that he doesn’t die. The latter, with a quick successive use of his Healing Burst, can keep the former on his feet. Amplification Matrix combined with Reinhardt’s Firestrikes is a very deadly combo that has the potential to one-shot any hero with 200 health.

2) Orisa


Being the most durable tank in Overwatch 2’s hero roster Orisa excels at being the center of attention in a team fight and being an unkillable stationery Tank. The Orisa-Baptiste duo offers great survivability and ample firepower to dismantle the enemy team.

Orisa’s Fortify paired with Baptiste’s Regenerative Burst ensures that the former never falls in a team fight. A well-placed Amplification Matrix can also be combined with Terra Surge to instantly kill anyone caught inside it. The duo gets the best out of their kit by enhancing their team’s survivability better than anyone else.

3) Bastion


The robot that makes cute noises is quite the killing machine in Overwatch 2. Bastion's Turret Form arguably has some of the highest damage output the game has to offer.

Like Baptiste, Bastion is great in a brawl-busting composition where they thrive playing together with their team close by, pushing the enemies back with their extreme poke damage. Bastion being rather vulnerable during his turret form has nothing to worry about with Baptiste providing a constant healing pocket.

Once this frontline combatant is behind Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix, only then will true terror be unleashed. The amount of damage that they output with this combination is easy enough to obliterate a team.

4) Brigitte


Brigitte pairs perfectly with Baptiste whenever they are in a brawl comp. More so in being defensive and protective, she shines in keeping Baptiste safe from any threats.

Her Rocket Flail and Whip Shot are exceptionally good at pushing any target that might seek to dive him, be it Winston, Genji, or the pesky Tracer. The duo in Overwatch 2, shines when the whole team sticks together. Brigitte’s ability to heal as she damages enemies with an AoE, and Baptiste with his healing nades, dovetails well in keeping the whole team alive through difficult situations.

5) Lucio


Baptiste, though very versatile, lacks any form of horizontal mobility that would allow him to catch up to his team if he falls behind. By bridging this gap, Lucio, with his Speed Aura paired with Amp It Up, makes Baptiste even greater as a Support in Overwatch 2.

Lucio's playstyle often revs a match into a new octane. Their composition feels very oppressive to go against. Not only is their healing extraordinary, but both of these Supports excel at dealing damage as well. And with a consistent supply of damage and effective healing, they could carry a game on their own with half-decent teammates.

Overall, Baptiste holds a powerful position on the Overwatch 2 roster. His ability to heal multiple people with a single use of his Biotic Launcher is often underestimated.

The key to mastering Baptiste often lies in maintaining the balance between causing damage and healing your teammates, as one might get distracted doing one or the other. The five heroes listed above are some of the best to pair with to ensure that you and Baptiste have a great time together.

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