5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Reinhardt

Reinhardt (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Pair these Overwatch 2 heroes with Reinhardt (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 is a team-based, multiplayer first-person shooter that builds upon the foundation of its popular predecessor. The game is skill-based and features a diverse cast of heroes with unique abilities to choose from. Each hero plays differently, giving players the option to select the character that best suits their playstyle.

Like most multiplayer games, Overwatch 2 places a strong emphasis on communication and strategy. Players must work together to coordinate their attacks to achieve their objectives, and the key to securing victory is picking a team composition with strong synergy.

This article features five heroes who synergize well with the honorable knight, Reinhardt.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Overwatch 2 guide: Ana and 4 other heroes to pair with Reinhardt


Reinhardt’s playstyle in Overwatch 2 remains largely the same despite changes to his abilities. He is played as a frontline tank who leads the charge for his team, positioning himself in a way that allows his teammates to take cover behind his shield as he moves forward.

His kit allows him to play defensively for his team using Barrier Field and offensively using Fire Strike and Charge. The Rocket Hammer, which remains unchanged in Overwatch 2, still provides massive damage within a 5-meter cone in melee range.

To make the most out of Reinhardt’s kit, here are five Overwatch 2 heroes to consider:

1) Lucio

Lucio (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Lucio (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Lucio is one of the strongest supports in the game, providing healing, speed buffs, crowd control, and a defensive ultimate to the team.

His ability, Crossfade, creates a permanent area around him that can heal or boost his allies’ speed. His ultimate, Sound Barrier, temporarily grants him and his team a massive 750 temporary HP.

Together with Reinhardt, Lucio can create a powerful frontline that can push through enemy defenses while providing their team with the necessary protection and support. Reinhardt can use his shield to protect himself and his team while moving forward, while Lucio can speed up their movement and provide healing as needed.

2) Ana

Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

For those who like to play Reinhardt more aggressively, Ana is a fantastic support to pair up with. Her massive healing output comes from Biotic Rifle which allows her to provide healing from a safe distance, and Biotic Grenade, which increases team healing.

Her kit is centered around sustaining the team, essentially making Reinhardt unkillable on the battlefield. Additionally, Ana provides decent crowd control through Sleep Dart, which keeps Reinhardt away from flankers who try to stop the Charge. Reinhardt's large hitbox makes him an easy target for Ana's healing and Nano Boost ultimate.

3) Zarya

Zarya (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Zarya (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Wombo combo fans will surely enjoy the synergy of Zarya and Reinhardt's ultimates. Zarya's ultimate, Graviton Surge, pulls enemies into a concentrated ball of energy, holding them in place for a short duration. This perfectly sets up Reinhardt’s Earthshatter ultimate for a devastating team wipe.

If the thrilling rush of the perfectly timed combo is not convincing enough, Zarya also excels at protecting allies through Projected Barrier, and casting it on Reinhardt further increases the chances of a successful initiation during team fights.

4) Brigitte

Brigitte (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Brigitte (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Reinhardt and Brigitte can form a strong duo in certain situations in the game. Brigitte is a versatile tank/support capable of providing additional support and protection to the frontline while constantly dealing damage to the enemy team.

Brigitte's Repair Pack ability can heal Reinhardt and keep him in the fight for longer. Her Inspire passive ability can provide him with consistent healing over time as she deals damage to enemies. Brigitte's Shield Bash is an excellent crowd control that can create opportunities for Reinhardt to land his Earthshatter ultimate ability or charge into enemies.

5) Mei

Mei (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Mei (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Mei is a hybrid support and DPS hero in Overwatch 2, specializing in crowd controls and debuffs. What makes her a great partner with Reinhardt is her ability to control the map, create space, and set up for Reinhardt’s massive ultimate.

Her Ice Wall can be used to split the enemy team, creating opportunities for Reinhardt to charge in and take out isolated enemies. Her freezing abilities can also slow down enemies, making them easier targets for Reinhardt's hammer swings.

Mei's ultimate, Blizzard, can freeze enemies in place, setting them up for Reinhardt's Earthshatter. Conversely, Reinhardt's Earthshatter can knock down enemies, making them easy targets for Mei's Blizzard. Although playing Mei effectively can be challenging at first, mastery of this hero can be ultimately rewarding, especially when paired up with Reinhardt.

Overall, the best duo for Reinhardt in Overwatch 2 depends on the situation and the specific needs of the team. Because Reinhardt can be flexible in terms of playstyle, it is important to communicate with your teammates and coordinate your abilities to maximize your effectiveness on the battlefield.

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