5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Genji

Five heroes players can pair with Genji in Overwatch 2 (Image via Sportskeeda)
Five heroes players can pair with Genji in Overwatch 2 (Image via Sportskeeda)

Blizzard’s renowned FPS title Overwatch 2 has three classes of heroes - Damage, Tank, and Support. Half samurai and half cyborg, Genji is a Damage hero from Japan. Using forged shurikens and an ōdachi (Samurai greatsword) as his primary weapons, this hero is formidable at close range and can be equally dangerous from a distance.

Being a Damage class hero, Genji receives a lower HP bar at 200 health points. This is compensated by his ability, Deflect, where he uses his ōdachi to deflect oncoming projectiles. However, with good Supports on deck or combining his Dragonblade with other heroes’ ultimates, this Overwatch 2 hero can be dangerously effective.

Five Overwatch 2 heroes that are menacingly effective when paired with Genji


Overwatch 2's Japanese Samurai uses shurikens for his Fire (default left-click) and Alt-Fire (default right-click) abilities, with the first option triggering three successive throws in a narrower spread and the latter executing three together in a wider spread.

This hero also comes with a passive known as Cyber-Agility, where he can scale walls vertically and double jump. Along with his other abilities, such as Swift strike, a dash-like ability, and his ultimate, where he uses his ōdachi to its full capacity, his kit makes duo-ing an intimidating force.

1) Mei


Mei is another Damage hero in Overwatch 2 that utilizes an Endothermic Blaster, which sprays ice onto enemies, damaging and slowing them down. She can also utilize her ultimate, Blizzard, which freezes enemies and damages them in a fixed Area of Effect (AoE). Combining these with Genji’s fast and high-damage output will offer easy pickings.

Mei’s ability to self-heal means staying on the field longer and supporting Genji’s aggressive pushes. Her being a Damage hero means there will be no hindrance to the team’s composition, as two Damage heroes are ideal. If these two, like Mei and Genji, are simpatico, they can easily dish out high damage numbers and secure kills.

2) Lúcio


Lúcio is an evergreen Support hero who heals allies just by letting them play around him. He can also slide across walls and scale them in a similar fashion to Genji.

With constant healing and other abilities that can significantly improve Genji’s presence on the battlefield, Lúcio is a perfect match for our shuriken-wielding hero.

The Brazilian hero’s Ultimate, ‘Sound Barrier,’ also provides himself and his allies with 750 overhealth to their HP bars, which, paired with Genji’s Dragonblade, will make him exceptionally hard to kill.

This will also come with the added damage output from his Ultimate. Lúcio can also accompany Genji players through complicated movements, keeping him alive longer during a match.

3) Mercy


Mercy is quite possibly the most well-known Support hero from Overwatch 2, and her tasks are simple - heal allies and "energize" them. Her Caduceus Staff’s default fire is a ray of healing that follows any teammate it is pointed at. Furthermore, her alt-fire is a ray of amplification that makes teammates deal 30% more damage.

Genji players that receive ’pocket' healing from Mercy are practically invincible. This Overwatch 2 hero's Guardian Angel ability allows her to propel towards injured allies faster.

She can also activate her Caduceus Staff’s ray of healing at a certain point during flight. With this kit, and her ability to revive fallen teammates, she can keep Genji alive on the field for a long time while also amplifying his damage.

4) Junker Queen


A berserker type of Tank, Junker Queen, is a fairly new addition to Overwatch 2’s roster. This hero’s kit heals herself based on how much she can "wound" her enemies.

While self-sufficient, her kit is also particularly useful to Genji players, who can finish off wounded opponents and take advantage of Junker Queen’s Commanding Shout ability, which provides +50 HP for nearby allies.

Junker Queen’s ultimate, Rampage, also stops enemies from receiving heals. Pairing this in any Overwatch 2 match with Genji’s ultimate, or situationally even his normal attacks, will guarantee kills.

Her Commanding Shout may also help the squishy Genji from dying in an ambush, leaving him with enough HP to escape and regroup.

5) Sombra


In another dual Damage setup, Sombra can achieve good synergy with Genji because she can incapacitate airborne enemies or ones that can escape easily.

This opens up pockets of time and space for Genji to take advantage of by finishing these heroes off, as they are also usually very squishy.

Sombra’s invisibility ability, Stealth, allows her to go undetected for the most part, making hacking targets easier. In Overwatch 2, if Genji players play alongside her, they can secure kills from hacked enemies rather deftly.

Her ultimate, EMP, hacks all enemies in a wide radius and depletes health while shielding allies, making it a powerful combo with Genji’s kit.


Players can pair these top five picks with Genji in Overwatch 2. Nonetheless, he is still an excellent damage-dealing hero, meaning he can be vital to any team composition. Although in Overwatch 2, this relies on the player’s actual mechanical ability and game sense.

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