5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to duo with Junkrat

Pairing the best five Overwatch 2 heroes with Junkrat (Image via Blizzard)
Pairing the best five Overwatch 2 heroes with Junkrat (Image via Blizzard)

Junkrat, Overwatch 2’s unhinged and bomb-toting Damage hero, is a versatile character who utilizes bouncing grenades and other sneaky abilities like Steel Trap. He can play both offensively and defensively at a high level.

Trapping enemies, dealing devastating damage from afar, and employing movement techniques using his Concussion Mines, Junkrat can be a menace on the battlefield. He can be a very effective DPS hero who can melt through most other Damage and Support characters and even some Tanks.

As a high-risk, high-reward Damage hero, Junkrat requires some support to excel in high-damage output and prolonged area control.

Listed below are five heroes you can pair with Junkrat to achieve easier victories.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Mercy and other great Overwatch 2 heroes to pair with Junkrat

1) Zarya


Pairing Zarya, a shield-based Tank hero, with Junkrat can prove to be incredibly effective in Overwatch 2. Zarya can use her Projected Barriers to prevent Junkrat from getting squished and allow him to stay on the battlefield for longer.

Zarya’s Ultimate, Graviton Surge, which pulls enemies to its core, will allow Junkrat to completely annihilate any heroes stuck in it. He can do so using his Grenade and Mine combo or by launching his Ultimate, Rip-Tire.

2) Orisa


Like Zarya, Orisa is a Tank hero in Overwatch 2. However, since she is more of an offensive Tank, pairing her up with Junkrat will result in high damage output during offensive pushes.

An enemy struck by Orisa’s Javelin will be stunned long enough for Junkrat to finish them off. Orisa will also be able to protect Junkrat behind her. Additionally, the two heroes' Ultimates can be used in tandem to rack up some easy kills.

Orisa's Terra Surge can pull enemies towards her. This means that she will be able to finish off any enemies that Junkrat did not eliminate. She can stab her Javelin into the ground after charging up and deal massive damage.

3) Mercy

Mercy from Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard)
Mercy from Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard)

Mercy is a Support hero in Overwatch 2. She can heal allies and amplify their damage.

Mercy can be effectively paired up with Junkrat, who is great at controlling areas from a distance. In this combination, Mercy will have fewer chances of getting squished while amplifying Junkrat’s grenades and healing him.

Junkrat can also help Mercy off the flanks, as he has a high damage output and can hold his own against most Damage heroes. With Mercy’s Damage Amplification, his damage on direct hits (through his Frag Launcher) will increase from 120 to 160.

4) Reinhardt


Overwatch 2’s Reinhardt is a shielded Tank hero who is a great partner for Junkrat.

Junkrat players can stay behind Reinhardt's massive Barrier Field for added protection and still have a range of movement. A charging Reinhardt will provide Junkrat with a window to finish off the target.

Using Reinhardt’s Ultimate, Earthshatter, against the opposing team, will also stun and knock many targets down, allowing Junkrat to finish them off using either Rip-Tire or his normal Grenade combo.

5) Mei


Mei is a Damage hero in Overwatch 2. She uses an Endothermic Blaster to deal damage and slow enemies down.

Junkrat can synchronize with Mei to finish off these slowed-down enemies. Mei’s Ice Wall ability is also an effective and temporary construction to bounce his grenades off of.

Junkrat’s Steel Trap can hold enemies down long enough for Mei to secure an easy kill using her Alt-fire ability, which shoots out icicle-like projectiles that deal tremendous damage. Mei’s Ultimate, Blizzard, also freezes any opponents stuck in its radius, making them easy pickings for Junkrat.


Junkrat is an effective DPS hero that can restrict movement and dish out high damage numbers. With these five heroes by his side, this Damage character can excel with his distinct kit. However, the success rate of these duos is directly proportional to the proficiency of both players when using the characters.

Junkrat is also fairly effective on his own, but he needs to be wary of the flanks and be more careful about being squished easily. These problems can be countered by using movement techniques through his Concussive Mines.

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