5 Destiny 2 Exotics that changed the Hunter meta (and 5 that are useless even today)

Destiny 2 Exotics Aeon Swift, Celestial Nighthawk, and Orpheus Rig (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 Exotics Aeon Swift, Celestial Nighthawk, and Orpheus Rig (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2 Exotics are some of the best-earned gears in the inventory, with only a few holding the capability to change an ongoing meta in either PvP or PvE.

Exotic armors are class exclusives, much like any other armor in the game. Only one Exotic can be equipped at a time, which pushes a player to think twice before going for a specific build. The following article breaks down five of the deadliest Exotics for Hunters, and five that are useless.

Disclaimer: The following article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.

Five best Destiny 2 Exotics for Hunters that are viable today

1) St0mp-EE5

St0mp-EE5 (Image via Destiny 2)
St0mp-EE5 (Image via Destiny 2)

Hunters are all about mobility and sneaking into the battlefield, especially in PvP. Players have been using the St0mp-EE5 Exotic to gain an advantage over the opposition by running them over like a train. It also makes long-range jumps in any jumping puzzle easier for players, as the Exotic significantly buffs sprint speed, jump, and slide distance.

While players will be losing 50% airborne accuracy while equipping this, it will still hold a lot of viability for mobility.

2) Celestial Nighthawk

Celestial Nighthawk (Image via Bungie)
Celestial Nighthawk (Image via Bungie)

The Exotic that made Hunters an essential pick for any PvE activity, the Celestial Nighthawk, grants the class a considerable boost in Precision damage with their bottom-tree Gunslinger super ability. The Exotic converts three shots into one, dealing a single huge precision shot to bosses.

Hunters can still one-shot any strike boss even today with the right builds.

3) Aeon Swift

Aeon Swift (Image via Destiny 2)
Aeon Swift (Image via Destiny 2)

Aeon Swift brings out the traditional Hunter playstyle, where players need to be extra sneaky on the battlefield. It is an essential pick for Hunters in Grandmaster Nightfalls, as ammo economy is crucial to the entire fireteam. Its perk Sect of Insight grants Heavy ammo after finishing a Champion.

Since Grandmaster deals extra damage to the fireteam, it is a Hunter's job to become invisible, sneak to a Champion enemy, and apply a finisher to grant extra ammo for the entire team.

4) Orpheus Rig

Orpheus Rig (Image via Destiny 2)
Orpheus Rig (Image via Destiny 2)

Ever since the release of Void 3.0, Orpheus Rig has seen a spike in its usage rate due to the extra charge of Moebius Quiver it grants to the wearer. Between Deadfall and Moebius Quiver, the latter has proved to be quite effective in both add clearing and dealing damage to bosses.

Deadfall and Orpheus Rig can grant ability energy, including supers, depending on the number of enemies tethered to the anchor.

5) Graviton Forfeit

Graviton Forfeit (Image via Destiny 2)
Graviton Forfeit (Image via Destiny 2)

Another Exotic that became a meta after Void 3.0, Graviton Forfeit is the pinnacle for any invisible solo builds. It improves a player's invisibility, increases its duration, recharges melee, and reloads weapons significantly faster. Adding to all that, it also enhances the player's recovery.

Activities such as the high-level Lost Sector or any solo attempt require a Graviton Forfeit to make the life of a Hunter easier.

Five useless Destiny 2 Exotics for Hunters

1) The Bombardiers

The Bombardiers (Image via Destiny 2)
The Bombardiers (Image via Destiny 2)

Introduced with Season of the Dawn, The Bombardiers have been out of the meta for a long time. It applies a specific debuff on dodge, based on the subclass equipped. With so many Exotic already having synergy with different elements, The Bombardiers doesn't bring anything new to the table.

2) Knucklehead Radar

Knucklehead Radar (Image via Destiny 2)
Knucklehead Radar (Image via Destiny 2)

One of the best primary weapons in the game, Ace of Spades, applies the same trait to players as the Knucklehead Radar. Both of these Exotics can grant radar while aiming for a weapon. However, Knucklehead Radar can only provide an enhanced radar if the wearer is crouched.

Seeing how players often use Ace of Spades in PvP, it doesn't make sense to use Knucklehead Radar for more radar.

3) Wormhusk Crown

Wormhusk Crown (Image via Destiny 2)
Wormhusk Crown (Image via Destiny 2)

Many might disagree with this opinion, but Wormhusk Crown is only suitable for getting a second chance in a fight. There are so many other Helmets for Hunters, such as Foetracer, Mask of Bakris, and even the Graviton Forfeit, that grant a player more lethality than survivability.

The Wormhusk Crown still grants a minimal boost to the wearer's health after dodging, but this can get quickly shut down by an opposing player in PvP.

4) Radiant Dance Machines

Radiant Dance Machines (Image via Destiny 2)
Radiant Dance Machines (Image via Destiny 2)

Radiant Dance Machines was one of the strongest Exotics in the game when it first came out in Season of the Lost. However, it was nerfed so severely that players have already forgotten about it in the ongoing meta. It used to hold the capability to refund ability energy after constant dodging.

As of now, players can't get any energy except on the first dodge.

5) Sealed Ahamkara Grasp

Sealed Ahamkara Grasp (Image via Destiny 2)
Sealed Ahamkara Grasp (Image via Destiny 2)

Sealed Ahamkara Grasp can apply auto-reload to any weapon in the inventory, as long as players can land a melee attack on an enemy. While this may be useful in crunch situations, Hunters usually take the fight from long distances with primary weapons.

Getting into an up-close melee distance is rare, especially after Bungie implements a regeneration system with primary hits in PvP.

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