5 essential GTA 3 Definitive Edition cheats for any scenario

Cheat codes will make GTA 3 a lot easier to play (Images via Rockstar Games)
Cheat codes will make GTA 3 a lot easier to play (Images via Rockstar Games)

GTA 3 is the game that made the entire GTA series and Rockstar Games break into the mainstream. After the game's release, the video game industry was not the same, and all of the gaming fans' attention was diverted to this legendary series.

GTA 3 was the seminal entry in this series that made GTA games household names. Its amazing technical innovation, which introduced the 3D render open-world format, was bound to become a classic.

But since GTA 3 is now more than a decade old, many new players will be playing this game for the first time with the release of GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition and will experience the ruthless difficulty that this game brings with it.

So to make the players' gaming experience a little easier, this article will recommend some of the best GTA 3 Definitive Edition cheat codes they can use while playing the game.

Five essential cheat codes players can use in GTA 3 Definitive Edition

5) Lower Wanted Level


Police create major problems for the players in the game, especially if they keep getting high wanted levels, as many players play the GTA 3 game for its story and characters and want to experience that. Because of this, constant high wanted levels can become a problem.

This is where this cheat comes in, as it will help players lower their wanted level down whenever they like. Players can play GTA 3 without constantly worrying about the police by using this cheat.

PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

Xbox: RT, RT, LB, RT, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down


4) Change Character


If players are bored playing only as Claude and want to customize him heavily, this cheat will be useful, as with this cheat, players can change their appearance.

Claude's entire appearance will change into any random in-game NPC when players activate the cheat. This cheat is pretty cool if players want to play this game with a new character avatar.

PlayStation: Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right

Xbox: Right, Down, Left, Up, LB, LT, Up, Left, Down, Right


3) Get $250,000


This cheat provides players with over $250,000 in their bank accounts. This amount of money can give any player a huge headstart in the game, especially if they are beginner players.

Players can buy any gun they like, which gives players a huge advantage during combat. Moreover, players don't have to constantly grind missions to earn rewards with this amount of money.

PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Xbox: RT, RT, LB, LB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up


2) Full Armor


Armor is a pretty important element in the game that prevents players from constantly dying, but constantly looking for armor around the city can get exhausting. This is where this cheat comes in handy, as by using it, players can easily fill up their armor bar.

This cheat is handy, especially for players struggling with the combat in this game, which is pretty clunky compared to the modern standard, so using this armor cheat can help them survive longer in a gunfight.

PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Xbox: RT, RT, LB, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up


1) Full Health


If players don't want to constantly die in the game or keep looking for health pickups, this cheat is the one to use as it provides players with a full health bar. Players can use this cheat to keep their health up whenever they feel like they are in a dangerous scenario and do not want to die and start the mission again.

With the help of this cheat, the game does become a little unfair, but players have the option to use this cheat only during a mission that they are having difficulty completing.

PlayStation: R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up the

Xbox: RT, RT, LB, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up


Note: This article reflects the writer's subjective opinion.

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