GTA Online The Black Box File is one of the new missions added with the Agents of Sabotage update. It becomes available after you purchase a new business that was also added recently with the DLC. The mission plays out like a heist and features some setup missions that must be completed to unlock the finale.
Given that this is a brand-new addition to GTA Online, some might require a little assistance. So, in this article, we will take a look at how to complete The Black Box File in the Agents of Sabotage update.
The Black Box File in GTA Online: How to complete it

To play The Black Box File in GTA Online, you must purchase the Darnell Bros Garment Factory. This property is available for sale on Maze Bank Foreclosures. There is only one location for the purchasable property, and it costs $2,350,000.
Visit the Garment Factory after purchasing it, and sit through the introductory cutscene to unlock The FIB Files. These missions can be started using a computer inside the factory or via the new Darnell Inc. app on your in-game phone. There will be four options visible on the screen with their respective payouts, and you can select any one of them.
Those who have chosen GTA Online The Black Box File requires the completion of the following three setup missions to unlock the finale:
- Hacking Device
- Sonar Equipment
- Weaponized Aircraft

Click on any of these setup tasks to begin.
GTA Online The Black Box File: Hacking Device
In this setup task, you have to steal and plant a hacking device to re-route a cargo plane in the finale. Its location will be marked on the map, but there will be a few enemy NPCs guarding it, so make sure to restock your weapons beforehand.
Defeat them and start looking for the device in the area on things like tables or railings. It won't be marked on the map, but here's what it looks like:

Once collected, head to LSIA, plant it at the marked location, and leave. Avoid getting spotted by CCTVs, as that will give you a Wanted Level.
GTA Online The Black Box File: Sonar Equipment
The first phase of this mission requires locating a Tugboat within a marked search area. There will be resistance here as well, so pack up on snacks, armor, and ammunition.

Once the boat is found, find and open the storage box on it, collect the sonar equipment, and then deliver it back to the Garment Factory.
GTA Online The Black Box File: Weaponized Aircraft
In this setup task, you will steal a Mammoth Tula. Go to the marked location, fight off enemy NPCs, and steal the aircraft. Upon heading away with the Tula, you will be attacked in the air, so use the plane's weapons to destroy all enemy helicopters. This can be a bit tricky in regular flight, but using Tula's V-TOL to hover in one place makes aiming much easier.
Once all helicopters are destroyed, park the Tula at any of the marked locations. Note that you will collect the plane from this location in the finale to chase a cargo plane, so choose a spot that is easily accessible.
GTA Online The Black Box File: Finale

The Black Box File finale has multiple objectives in GTA Online. Initially, you will infiltrate LSIA and hack the control tower, which will involve a mini-game where you must connect left nodes with the right nodes in the correct order.
This part is hit-and-trial and can take a few tries. That said, testing the connection (by pressing the required button) after each trial will set the correctly matched nodes, leaving you with only the incorrect ones to figure out.
Once the control tower is hacked, the target cargo plane will be re-routed. Get in your Tula and chase after it. Keep the Tula close to the cargo plane (within a blue circle on the mini-map), and open the Securoserve app on your in-game phone to upload a virus on it. Flying out of range will pause the upload.
When the virus is uploaded, start shooting the cargo plane's engines. There will be resistance from enemy helicopters. Using V-TOL here can help again, and even during the virus-upload phase to stay within range.
Keep following the cargo plane after shooting down its engines, and it will crash underwater. So, use the sonar equipment (the button will be prompted in the screen's top-left) to look for the black box at the crash site. Multiple targets will be marked on the sonar, so you will have to collect them one by one to find the correct item.

After the black box is found, go to your associate's dinghy (will be marked), fight off any resistance, lose the wanted level, and finally, deliver it to the buyer to complete GTA Online The Black Box File in Agents of Sabotage update.
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