5 best blocks in Minecraft 1.20 update

There are loads of fascinating new blocks coming in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
There are loads of fascinating new blocks coming in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

Mojang will soon release the Minecraft 1.20 update with loads of fresh features. With almost every addition, it will add new types of blocks. Even though there are hundreds in the game, players always want more, simply because almost everything is made up of blocks.

With the Minecraft 1.20 update, Mojang will add a brand new biome, two wood sets, a long-awaited archeology feature, and even a fresh kind of bookshelf. Hence, there is a lot to explore in terms of blocks. This article lists some of the best that will be released in the next update.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. Apart from these five, several other blocks will be added as well.

Cherry planks, suspicious sand, and 3 more blocks coming with Minecraft 1.20 update

1) Cherry planks

Cherry planks will instantly become the cutest wood-set in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
Cherry planks will instantly become the cutest wood-set in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

Cherry Blossom is a brand new biome that will be added with the next installment. It will generate in the Overworld and be filled with new cherry trees. These will be made up of brand new logs and leaf blocks. Hence, Mojang has added yet another new wood set.

Cherry planks will be light pink in color and craftable into all kinds of other blocks, like doors, fences, fence gates, stairs, slabs, trapdoors, and more. As soon as Mojang announced the Cherry Blossom biome, players were instantly a fan of the cherry wood set.

2) Chiseled bookshelf

Chiseled bookshelf block that will release with the Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
Chiseled bookshelf block that will release with the Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

Chiseled bookshelf is another brilliant block that will finally allow players to manually place any kind of book in them. Since gamers are unable to manually place books in regular bookself blocks, this addition will change how they decorate structures and rooms in the game.

Moreover, whenever a book is placed or removed, the block will send a redstone signal. This will also open up a lot of opportunities to use it in all sorts of redstone contraptions.

3) Suspicious sand

Suspicious sand is part of the archeology feature coming to Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
Suspicious sand is part of the archeology feature coming to Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

Mojang has finally decided to release the archeology feature that will allow players to find rare blocks and brush them to find various types of blocks and items.

Suspicious sand is a fresh addition that will generate near desert temples and wells. This block can be brushed with a brush tool to excavate various items, including new pottery shards and sniffer eggs.

4) Decorated pot

Decorated pots are new decoration blocks in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
Decorated pots are new decoration blocks in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

Decorated pots are new blocks that will be a part of the new archeology feature. These can be crafted with either pottery shards, bricks, or both. Either pottery shards, or bricks, or both will need to be placed in a diamond shape on the crafting table in order to craft these pots.

If there is a pottery shard in the crafting recipe, the pot will have its carvings. Decorated pots are slightly smaller than regular blocks, but are taller than them since they have a mouth at the top.

5) Bamboo mosaic

Bamboo mosaic is a unique variant of bamboo planks in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)
Bamboo mosaic is a unique variant of bamboo planks in Minecraft 1.20 update (Image via Mojang)

With this new update, Mojang will add yet another wood set that can be crafted with bamboo. One of them is called bamboo mosaic, a special type of plank that can be crafted by arranging two slabs in a vertical strip.

They have a special design that will be brilliant for decorating and building structures. Bamboo mosaic can be further crafted into stairs and slabs as well.

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