Being a huge sandbox game, Minecraft offers players infinite possibilities for building almost anything. From small cozy huts to humongous castles and empires, players can make almost anything in the game. To make the structure unique, there are a plethora of blocks to choose from.
Minecraft has a set type of blocks that are suitable for building the exterior or interior of a structure. For example, players use strong stone-like blocks for exterior and wooden blocks for interior. However, there are some decorative blocks that can enhance the overall look of rooms.
Top 5 decorative Minecraft blocks that can be used for creating amazing designs
Though there are many decorative blocks that players can choose from based on their build esthetics, here are the best decorative Minecraft blocks for to spice up the interior.
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5) Jack o' Lantern

Jack o' Lantern can be a fun addition to any house or living room area in the game. Though it is more suited during the Halloween season, it can still be a good decorative block that can act as a light source in a build as well. Players can carve a pumpkin with shears, then craft it with a torch to make a Jack o' Lantern.
4) Block of Amethyst

This block was added as part of the Caves and Cliffs update. These can be naturally found in Amethyst Geodes. They are great decorative blocks that can be used as flooring, especially because they give out chimes whenever players walk on them.
3) Flowering Azalea Bushes

These semi-blocks were also added to the Caves and Cliffs update, as part of the Lush Caves biome. Planting these cute little bushes adds greenery to any interior. The presence of pink-colored flowers enhances the prettiness of the blocks. Players should note that these blocks can only be placed on dirt, grass, or moss blocks.
2) Redstone Lamp

If players are bored with torches and normal lamps, they can try lighting up their builds with redstone lamps. These are special lamps that can only be illuminated with a redstone signal. The good thing is that players can also switch them off if they make a small redstone contraption with a button or a lever.
1) Glazed Terracotta

Many blocks have a set type of pattern that can become boring to look at. Glazed Terracotta is the only block that has the most stylish textures. There are 16 of them to choose from, with different patterns and colors on each of them. Players can craft them by smelting terracotta blocks.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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