Minecraft is known for constantly receiving updates from its developers. These updates bring many improvements to the game and can be minor or major.
Before the actual update, however, a series of test versions called ”snapshots” are released, followed by”pre-releases”. These versions give players a chance to try out the upcoming changes and tell the developers what they think of them.
Minecraft 1.18, titled the “Caves and Cliffs part 2,” is the biggest update the game has ever received. It changes a ton of things for the better, adding structures like new mountains and lush caves. It also increases the height and depth of Minecraft’s world.
Before the update’s official release, players can try out some seeds from the experimental versions of the game to get a taste of what it will look like.
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs part 2 update: Best seeds to try out
5). Frozen lake at spawn (Seed: 1447822482456190150)
This seed spawns the player near a huge frozen lake. The sheer scale and size of this lake is a sight to behold. Using boats to slide on this structure would be a fun pastime for players to engage in this seed, as rowing boats on ice is one of the fastest ways to travel in Minecraft.
4). Exposed caves (Seed:-1123224033616642241)
This seed contains a lot of huge, exposed cave systems. These include openings in the ground and lush caves. This particular seed contains a natural waterfall near the opening of a cave system. This would be a good place to build for esthetics, as well as resources. The coordinates for the cave are: 2542 / ~ / 3066
3). Snowy valley (Seed:380935311)
This seed contains a huge amount of new structures and players can see traces and examples of the new generation system everywhere. However, one of the most awe-inspiring sights in this seed is a valley located at coordinates -1500 / ~ / -500.
The valley is surrounded by tall, snowy mountains that are part of the new mountain generation in Minecraft. This would be a good place to build, mainly because of the location’s beauty.
2). DIAMONDS! (Seed: -755917523481514139)
This seed contains one of the biggest diamond ore chains the game has ever seen. At coordinates, -133.96 -23.75 181.57 532.60 -0.90, a diamond chain can be found inside dripstone blocks, where a whopping 21 diamonds are available to be mined. Three diamond ore chains are joined, hence resulting in this phenomenon.
1). Island mini-village (Seed: -6067698430148893115)
This seed spawns the player on a small island. A small village with only one house, a well, and some hay can be found on this island. Despite the spawn island and village being small in size, players can find many resources tucked away in the village and around the island. A larger desert biome can be found near the spawn island.
The Caves and Cliffs update is going to change a lot in Minecraft. These seeds allow players to experience upcoming changes and test out new features for themselves.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.