One of the many things you can do in Minecraft is craft a boat and sail across oceans, rivers, and lakes. Boats are useful for transportation, fishing, and exploration. These are amazing vehicles that allow you to travel across the water at ease and speed. Boats are also fun to use and customize, and can even carry passengers or animals. In this article, we will show you how to make a cherry wood boat in Minecraft 1.20.
How to make cherry boats in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales Update
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Cherrywood Boats is one of eight types of boats in Minecraft, along with oak, spruce, birch, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, and jungle wood boats. Cherrywood boats are light pink in color and can carry up to two entities (players or mobs) at a time and are made from new additions to the cherrywood tree in Minecraft. They are faster than swimming and can be controlled with a keyboard or mouse.
Step 1: You can get cherry planks by chopping down cherry trees with an ax, or by crafting them from cherry logs.

Step 2: To make a cherry boat, you will need five cherry planks.

Step 3: Place the five cherry planks in a U shape in the crafting grid, leaving the middle row empty. This will produce a cherry boat, which you can take out of the crafting table and place in your inventory.

To use your cherry wood boat, you need to place it on water. To do this, select the boat from your hotbar and right-click on the water block. You will see the boat appear on the water's surface. To enter the boat, right-click on it again. To exit the boat, press the sneak key (default: Shift).
To steer your boat, use the forward key (default: W) to move forward, and the left and right keys (default: A and D) to turn left and right. You can also use your mouse to look around and change direction. To stop the movement, release the forward key.
To break your boat and retrieve it, you need to hit it with any tool or hand. The boat will drop as an item that you can pick up. You have learned how to make and use a cherry wood boat in Minecraft. Have fun sailing.
The arrival of the Cherry Grove biome
The Cherry Grove biome is a new addition that is a part of the new Minecraft 1.20, also known as the Trails & Tales update. This biome is a stunning and rare sight that can be found in plains and hills regions. It is filled with grass and flowers, including dandelions, poppies, and pink petals with the addition of a new "Cherry Wood" tree.
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