How to make god armor in Minecraft 1.20

Enchanted Netherite armor with the silence armor trim (Image via Mojang)
Enchanted Netherite armor with the silence armor trim (Image via Mojang)

In Minecraft, dealing with hostile mobs is a daily task, particularly for those who play on hard difficulty. When a creeper or other mobs unexpectedly approach a player from behind, having a reliable armor set becomes crucial. While only a few minerals are available for crafting armor items, selecting the strongest is relatively straightforward.

However, what truly sets apart a decent set of armor from a god-tier variant are its enchantments.

Guide to creating the best armor in Minecraft 1.20


Enchantments, for those unfamiliar, are enhancements that can be applied to all four armor items, weapons, and tools in Minecraft. Each enchantment affects different aspects of the item, aiming to improve its overall functionality compared to the base version.

Given that armor items have a limit to the number of enchantments they can hold, selecting the appropriate ones becomes essential.

Creating Netherite armor

All Netherite armor in version 1.20 (Image via Mojang)
All Netherite armor in version 1.20 (Image via Mojang)

Before discussing the best enchantments, players need to create the base armor first. Netherite is the most durable material for crafting armor. With the Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales update, significant changes have been made to creating Netherite armor.

It is worth noting that Netherite armor cannot be crafted directly in vanilla Minecraft. Instead, players must upgrade their existing diamond armor to Netherite through the upgrade process.

Upgrading a diamond chestplate to Netherite (Image via Mojang)
Upgrading a diamond chestplate to Netherite (Image via Mojang)

While the upgrading process involves using a Netherite ingot, the latest version also demands a new item called the Netherite upgrade smithing template.

This uncraftable item can be obtained by exploring the loot chests of bastions. Once players have acquired a template, they can duplicate it on the crafting table for further use.

The right enchantments

An enchanting table (Image via Mojang)
An enchanting table (Image via Mojang)

Before delving into the must-have armor enchantments, let's understand how they can be applied to an armor item. Players can acquire enchantments through either the enchanting table or an anvil. To utilize the latter, they will need an enchanted book and the item they wish to enchant.

Enchanting table GUI (Image via Mojang)
Enchanting table GUI (Image via Mojang)

The enchanting table can only provide the highest level of enchantments if surrounded by fifteen bookshelves. To use the table, players must place the item on it along with a few lapis lazuli.

With the basics covered, here are the recommended armor enchantments for each armor item:

  • Helmet: Mending, Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Aqua Affinity, and Respiration.
  • Chestplate: Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Thorns III, and Mending.
  • Leggings: Mending, Unbreaking III, and Protection IV.
  • Boots: Mending, Unbreaking III, Protection IV, Swift Sneak III, Feather Falling IV.

These enchantments will minimize damage in most situations while taking advantage of item-exclusive enchantments such as Respiration for the helmet. To make their armor look more robust and intimidating, players can apply an armor trim.

Additionally, they can utilize the Minecraft Enchantment Ordering Tool available on GitHub to efficiently apply all necessary enchantments.

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