How to make a glass pane in Minecraft

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Image via Minecraft

In need of glass panes to spice up a Minecraft base or another structure?

Glass panes are used for decoration. While blocks of glass serve the same purpose, they don't provide the warm feeling of home that really draws a player back to base.

In the Minecraft community, window panes are also used to craft commodities such as aquariums, underwater observatories, and other neat structures.

Here's a guide on how to craft glass panes in Minecraft:

Step 1: Gather Materials in Minecraft

To make glass , a player must have these items:

  • sand
  • a furnace (or a blast furnace)
  • coal, wood, or another item that can be used to smelt

To find sand, a player can search near any body of water or take some from the the desert biome. To make 16 panes of glass in Minecraft, a player must have six glass blocks. Therefore, a player should gather a minimum of six blocks of sand if their intent is to craft panes. A player can punch sand to acquire it, or expedite the process by using a shovel.

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Image via Minecraft

To get a furnace, a player must gather 8 cobblestone. This is to be placed in the outer slots, leaving the middle empty. This yields a furnace.

There are a few items in Minecraft that can be used to smelt objects. Here's a list that contains some of the items that can be used:

  • coal
  • bamboo
  • wood (any variation)
  • lava
  • blaze rods
  • boats
  • scaffolding
  • bee nests
  • wooden slabs and stairs
  • wooden pressure plates, buttons, trap doors, gates, fences, and doors
  • ladders

If a player needs to make a lot of glass in a short amount of time, a blast furnace is a better route to take.

Step 2: Make Glass

To make glass, the player should place the sand in the top slot and the item that is to be burned in the bottom slot.

The glass should appear in the far right slot as a result of this process.

Stained Glass

It is much simpler to stain glass ahead of making the window pane, since it is more resourceful. To make stained glass, place eight glass blocks on the outer slots when crafting and the desired dye in the middle. This will yield eight blocks of stained glass.

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Image via Minecraft

Step 3: Craft a Glass Pane

To make a glass pane in Minecraft, a player should place their glass blocks on the top and middle rows of the crafting slots. This will provide the player with 16 window panes.

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Image via Minecraft

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