Minecraft Redditor creates custom diorite cliffside biome

Custom-made diorite cliffside biome (Image via u/andyq9433 Reddit)
Custom-made diorite cliffside biome (Image via u/andyq9433 Reddit)

Minecraft is a vast sandbox game that offers an infinite number of blocks to play around with. Its world is divided into numerous biomes, all made up of different blocks.

Over the years, players have used certain blocks to create custom biomes of their own from scratch. Something similar was recently posted on the popular Minecraft Reddit page.

A Redditor who goes by 'u/andyq9433' posted photos of how they created a custom biome made from diorite and moss blocks. In the caption, the original poster (OP) and creator of the biome called it 'Diorite Cliffside' since it was built along a huge lake and was steep.

Before the biome was built, the area looked like a normal mountainous region with a deep warm ocean in the middle. The steep cliff is mainly made up of stone and dirt blocks.

The original poster completely changed the blocks and replaced them with diorite and moss blocks. He also slightly altered the terrain.

Redditors react to custom diorite cliffside biome made by Minecraft player

Biomes in Minecraft have largely remained the same since the beginning. Players can occasionally get bored of seeing the same type of biomes over and over again.

Loads of Redditors have taken an interest in u/andyq9433's post, which showcases a brand-new type of biome. Within a day, the post received over 17K upvotes.

Loads of comments flooded the post, with many users praising the original poster and the custom-made biome. Some talked about how it looked like Limestone Cliff in England, while others were blown away by its transformation.

The original poster thanked the users wholeheartedly and explained how the project started for them.

Many users were surprised at how the original poster used one of the most disliked blocks and made it look stunning in this biome. Since diorite has a coarse texture, it is avoided by many players while building.

Some Redditors also noticed how the original poster made the huge custom biome entirely in Hardcore Survival mode.

If players die once in Hardcore mode, they won't be able to play in that particular world anymore, making everything much more challenging.

This fact made the build even more impressive as players must be extremely cautious while finding resources and building the biome.

Overall, hundreds of Minecraft Redditors flooded the post with positive comments about the custom-built diorite biome. They were surprised to see diorite being used in such a great way and talked about how the biome should be in the vanilla version of the game.

The post continues to garner views and comments at the time of writing.

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