Minecraft Redditor makes a hidden piston door

A hidden door mechanism (Image via Reddit/u/Adrian_31)
A hidden door mechanism (Image via Reddit/u/Adrian_31)

Automation is a huge part of Minecraft. It is used in most of the newest and more creative builds. While manually building and creating structures and entities can be rewarding in itself, automation can really speed up some of the less interesting parts of a build, or make a build look clean and esthetically-pleasing. The biggest component of automation in Minecraft is redstone.

Redstone is a mineral that is mined from redstone ore blocks found deep underground in Minecraft’s near-infinite network of mines, tunnels, caverns, and caves. Redstone powder is what a redstone ore block drops, and is the primary ingredient used in the making of redstone blocks and redstone circuits.

This article will cover a hidden piston door mechanism that was built by Minecraft Redditor u/just1personYT in the game.

Player makes a secret door mechanism using pistons and redstone in Minecraft

The build seems to have been done in the bedrock edition of the game and is just as clean as it would have been in Minecraft Java. A video has been uploaded with the Redditor’s post, which showcases the mechanism and the redstone circuit that powers it as well.

While the build is not showcased in a player-made base or any other structure that the final design of this mechanism might fit in, it does give viewers, players, and potential builders a behind-the-scenes insight into the mildly confusing but impressive structure of the hidden door build.


The items that seem to have been used for the build include: redstone powder, grass blocks, pistons, sticky pistons, redstone repeaters, redstone blocks, levers, and redstone torches. While builds such as this may seem small in size, they can be immensely tricky at times, with even the smallest mistake in the building or assembling process impacting the whole operation negatively (it usually ends up disrupting the entire build, and can be infuriating).

The 15-second video showcases the player turning the circuit on using a lever. As the signal travels through the circuit and reaches the pistons and redstone block, an opening is made between the two pistons, which opens up the perfect amount of space for a single door to fit in the gap. This mechanism can be implemented in a base inside a mountain, a cave, an underwater build, or a wall in general.


Something else to note in the video is the magnificent structure behind the redstone contraption; a gigantic build dedicated to Yoda, one of the most popular characters and icons in the history of cinema.

Reactions to the hidden mechanism and Yoda build by u/just1personYT

The builder requested that the Star Wars-themed build be ignored for now, but viewers found it difficult to look past the detailed and adorable build.

Redstone contraptions are some of the trickiest structures to build in the game. However, working on them can be immensely rewarding and convenient in the long run. From aerial bombers to hidden gateways, redstone is effective in almost every area of Minecraft.

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