The Smuggler’s Hideout quest in Star Wars Outlaws requires a bit of patience and some parkour. It has multiple stages, so you would need to travel around a bit before completing the entire mission. However, it is quite straightforward considering the items that need to be gathered to get to the Smuggler’s Hideout.
You can also find some loot scattered around the hideout area as the mission seems to be targeted at exploration. You must get the information about the exact location as well before heading out to the mountains. There is a chance of finding valuable resources in this region.
This article will highlight the method to get to the Smuggler’s Hideout in Star Wars Outlaws.
Where is the Smuggler’s Hideout in Star Wars Outlaws?
You will need to secure the intel about the location of the Smuggler’s Hideout first by infiltrating a base. Here is how you can get the required intel:
- Go to the Crimson Dawn Territory to gather the necessary intel.
- Once inside, make your way inside the Crimson Dawn base.
- Go around the consoles present in the base and find the Datapad lying on one of them.
- Interact with this Datapad to secure the necessary intel on the Smuggler’s Hideout.
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Here is a quick guide to getting inside the Smuggler’s Hideout in Star Wars Outlaws:
- Travel to the elevated area present on the right side of Shipjacker Workshop.
- An orange ramp will be present directly in front of you. Use your Speeder to jump over to the other side with the help of this ramp. Press the boost button just before climbing the ramp.
- Once you cross over to the other side, climb two separate rocks and find the small rock blocking the path.
- Put your Blaster to Bolt mode and charge up one shot to break this boulder.
- Move through the opening and jump over the gap to climb on the rock structure. Follow this route and you will find an operational fan.
- Break the boulder on the right side with the same Bolt feature to access the box on the metal frame. Turn off the fan to get the Intel Resolved Smuggler’s Hideout notification.
Once the fan is turned off, you can cross over to the other side and browse through the leftover loot. You will see a larger fan on the outside blocked with a boulder. You can break this rock and take Nix’s assistance to pull down the levers in front of this fan.

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This will unlock the hidden door on the cave walls, where you will find a treasure container. Scavenge through it to secure the HD05-G Blaster Key Part. It is important to note that opening the door on the outside is completely optional and does not affect the completion of the quest in any manner.
However, it is an important piece of loot that can help you in the later stages of the game in terms of firepower since it can be used to upgrade the blaster.
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