Strange Coins are special currencies now holding increased market value in Destiny 2. With the overhaul of Xur's inventory, alongside the complete removal of Legendary shards, players now have to look for different ways to purchase items from the Agent of the Nine. Hence, everyone will notice that Xur now accepts Strange Coins in exchange for the gear pieces he brings in.
However, the drop sources of the Strange Coins have changed too, as Dares of Eternity is no longer viable. This article will guide you through the best farming methods of Strange Coins to fill your weekly quotas of buying from Xur's shop.
Best Strange Coin Farming Method in Destiny 2 (2024)
As mentioned, Strange Coins do not drop from Dares of Eternity anymore. Instead, Bungie has confirmed that it moved the currency to the more ritual side, such as Vanguard Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible. Each run of any ritual activity will drop a specific number of Coins, allowing you to collect 99 per stack during your playtime.
Major Ways to get Strange Coins in Destiny 2
Here is a list of all the sources of Strange Coin drops, and a rough estimate of the number of Coins each run will yield:
- Vanguard Strikes: Four Strange Coins
- Nightfall Strikes: Four Strange Coins
- Onslaught: Four Strange Coins
- Crucible matches (any, including Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner): Two to three Strange Coins depending on win or loss
- Gambit matches: Two to three Strange Coins depending on win or loss

As many might have noticed, these numbers are underwhelming based on the price of each Exotic/Legendary gear piece. For example, one Exotic armor requires 41 Strange Coins for one copy. Hence, it will take one player to run 11 Vanguard Strikes to get that one Exotic armor.
Favor of the Nine: Best Method to obtain Strange Coin

Favor of the Nine is a buff that can be acquired from Xur for additional Strange Coin drops. However, one player needs to spend 47 Strange Coins to purchase anything from Xur, which will further unlock that player's "Favor of the Nine" buff.
Since Xur comes in every Friday, finish farming a few Coins without the buff before that time. Once you have 47 or more Coins, start purchasing items from Xur to get the buff, and then start running the aforementioned activities for additional drops.

Hence, the farming loop will look something like this:
Farm the activities without buff for 47 (or more) Strange Coins > Spend 47 Coins on Xur for "Favor of the Nine" buff > Purchase the Favor of the Nine at the latter half of the weekend > Farm with the buff when Xur goes away (weekdays) > Use your farmed Strange Coins for gears when Xur comes back > You should now have enough to buy a "Favor" buff on Day 1>Repeat.
If you have the "Favor of the Nine" buff active, you should be able to get two to three extra Strange Coins from all activities.
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