WoW The War Within has several hidden new pets to collect, like the Lil Moss Rosy Rock Sheep. Rock Sheep are a new type of animal found on Khaz Algar. A rocky creature, it has moss and flowers growing off of its back. Incredibly cute, they can also be captured as a battle pet if you know where to go. This one can be a little cryptic at the end, and some players have reported that the treasure chest spawn didn’t happen right away. That means you’ll have to exercise some patience.
After you arrive in the new hub city, Dornogal, and start exploring the overworld of Khaz Algar, there are many amazing battle pets to find. Like the others, Lil Moss Rosy requires a bit of puzzle-solving if you aren’t running mods to help you locate treasures on the map. Here’s what you need to do.
Where to unlock Lil Moss Rosy pet in WoW The War Within

To begin unlocking Lil Moss Rosy in WoW The War Within, head to Khaz Algar - the Isle of Dorn - at coordinates (59.6, 24.6). On a rock nearby, you’ll see a Lost Mosswool just standing there. Interact with it, and it’ll bleat, and get kicked off the rock. The next step is to follow it to (69.10, 27.06).
Interact with it again, and it will soar away, as you punt Lil Moss Rosy in WoW The War Within. Once again, the sheep will scurry away. Even if you have lost track of it, there are known coordinates where it will show up for the next attempt. All you have to do is head to (59.75, 28.70) and punt the sheep one last time.
Don’t forget to get the Rambleshire Flight point while you’re here - if you don’t already have it. That way, you won’t have to use your Skyriding mounts to fly up here for side quests/other content later. The Lost Mosswool is once again, sitting on top of a rock and has no intention of moving. Interact with it a final time.

When it scurries off this time, it will fade away after a few moments of running. The final step is to head to the Mosswool Flower at (59.72, 28.69) - which is right where you are. You just need to wait for the Mosswool Flower to spawn. The respawn timer for it appears to be four to five minutes, so just hang out and wait. If you prefer to have the TomTom coordinates for the above locations, you can find them below:
- /way #2248 59.62 24.59 Lost Mosswool #1
- /way #2248 59.10 27.06 Lost Mosswool #2
- /way #2248 59.75 28.70 Lost Mosswool #3
- /way #2248 59.72 28.69 Mosswool Flower
For me, it took a bit longer than four to five minutes, but I suspect someone looted it right before I arrived. Nonetheless, a flower will spawn on the rock. Interact with it to loot the pet and add it to your inventory. Lil Moss Rosy in WoW The War Within is a Rare Critter with the following unlockable abilities:
- Hoof (Starting Skill)
- Stone Shot (Level 2)
- Bleat (Level 4)
- Chew (Level 10)
- Soothe (Level 15)
- Stone Form (Level 20)
Check out our other WoW The War Within guides
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- WoW The War Within patch notes
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