Boruto chapter 73 announced Team 7’s latest mission, entailing keeping Eida under surveillance at all times. The two karma-bearers were assigned the responsibility of becoming housemates with the cyborg, while Sarada and Mitsuki were relegated to lookout duty, providing regular updates about the situation to Shikamaru and Naruto.
Chapter 74 spoilers revealed that this mission will by no means be easy. With the official English translation now available, this article will break down and highlight the major events of Boruto chapter 74.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Boruto manga. All external media in this article are the property of their respective owners.
Boruto chapter 74 summary and highlights
Eida arrives in Konoha
Chapter 74 featured Mitsuki on the cover this month, with the chapter title being Baptism by Fire. The chapter began with Eida arriving in Konoha via train, carrying Daemon on her back. Shikamaru, Sai, and another shinobi formed the welcome party at the station, with Sai and the other shinobi being immediately affected by Eida’s ability.
Shikamaru welcomed her formally, but Eida cut to the chase, stating that she knew about their plans. She remarked that living with the Otsutsuki vessels as housemates was an intriguing prospect, and accepted the living arrangement.
Sai, who had managed to gain some amount of control over himself, offered to escort Eida to her living quarters, but she refused the offer, saying that she would go ahead alone since she already knew the location of the house.

Chapter 74 revealed that Eida is capable of flying, soaring above the station and heading off towards her destination, carrying Daemon. Amado casually remarked that flight was a rather normal trait among the Otsutsuki, and that even Boruto and Kawaki might soon be flying around. Shikamaru confronted Amado, declaring that the latter will have to tell them everything this time.
Boruto and Kawaki bicker

Chapter 74 then moved on to the new living accommodation for Eida and the Otsutsuki vessels, with the latter lounging around in the living room. Boruto commented that the place was amazing, which was surprising considering that the mission had just been decided.
Konohamaru admitted that they had to pull some strings to get hold of the property. Kawaki seemed irritated by the idle chatter, chastising his teammate for not taking the mission seriously enough. The blond ninja countered by saying that being on edge would only stifle them, since they would have to live here until further orders.
Konohamaru reprimanded them for fighting, reminding them that they would have to get along with Eida for the sake of this mission. Kawaki held his tongue, but began musing about their earlier interaction at the Hokage’s office, when he spotted Momoshiki lurking around behind his vessel.
Eida enchants Mitsuki, Cho-Cho and Inojin

Boruto manga chapter 74 shifted its focus to the remote surveillance unit, where Sarada and Mitsuki kept an eye on their teammates’ new living quarters from a distance.
Sarada remarked that it seemed pointless and weird to keep Eida under watch from a distance, since she would see through all their plans with her Senrigan. Mitsuki suggested that their presence would regardless put some amount of pressure upon Eida, which was Shikamaru’s aim.
Shikadai, Cho-Cho and Inojin joined them, their curiosity piqued by rumors of a beautiful woman coming to live in Konoha. Inojin and Cho-Cho began bickering and Sarada told them to take their disagreement elsewhere, right in time for Mitsuki to alert her that Eida had appeared.
They were shocked to see Eida flying, but the real problem began when she turned to look directly at them. Both Inojin and Cho-Cho were immediately entranced, and even Mitsuki fell under Eida’s spell. Only Sarada and Shikadai were unaffected, which she assumed was because they hadn't been able to see Eida properly.
Konohamaru becomes a victim

At the house, Konohamaru scolded the two boys one last time, preparing to leave. Sarada contacted him just then using the telepathic link, announcing Eida’s arrival. Konohamaru began blushing upon looking at her, trying to maintain his composure. Moegi arrived at Sarada’s location to drag off Team 10 and punish them for ignoring their orders.
Sarada panicked when Konohamaru stopped replying to her, with Moegi declaring that he better not be staring and drooling over Eida. She referred to him as “Li’l Konohamaru,” which Eida picked up using her Senrigan, realizing that Moegi and Konohamaru were childhood friends. The Team 7 mentor kept resisting Eida’s enchantment but the effort caused him to lose consciousness and fall down the stairs.
Daemon fights
Boruto rushed to his teacher’s aid, noticing Eida standing at the entrance. He invited her inside, and before he could say anything more, Daemon swiftly climbed onto the younger Uzumaki’s shoulder and introduced himself. Kawaki was agitated by the newcomer’s presence, declaring that they weren’t told anything about Eida bringing a companion.
Daemon threatened the two karma-bearers that he would take them if they tried to kill Eida, which spurred Kawaki into action. He tried to attack the cyborg and was pushed back by Daemon’s repelling ability. Kawaki then used his dojutsu to conjure chakra rods which he released towards Daemon.
The cyborg caught them easily and appeared behind Kawaki, knocking him out with a kick to his temple. Boruto attacked after seeing his teammate defeated and was similarly immobilized, with Daemon stopping his punch and kicking him in the back.
Shikamaru gets an update on the situation
Boruto woke up on the couch to see Kawaki still unconscious, with his head resting on Eida’s lap. Eida apologized for the violent greeting and when the younger Uzumaki complained that the altercation was unnecessary, Daemon replied that it was to warn them against going against him or his sister.
Kawaki soon woke up as well, but before he could react, Shikamaru reached out to them using the telepathic link. Boruto stated that they had just gone through a “baptism by fire,” thanks to Eida’s brother.
Chapter 74 ended with Naruto and Shikamaru interrogating Amado, who agreed to spill everything he knew if they let him smoke.
Boruto chapter 74 proved that living with Eida and Daemon would be a pretty difficult task, especially with Daemon behaving like a spoiled brat and Kawaki being visibly hostile towards the siblings. The chapter also suggested that Sarada might be somewhat immune to Eida’s enchantment and might become a regular presence at the house.