The acclaimed main protagonist of Tite Kubo’s Bleach, Ichigo Kurosaki, is an orange-haired student born with the quite peculiar ability to see ghosts. Ichigo started his adventure as a mere Substitute Shinigami, only to become a nearly unparalleled fighter who can combine Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy powers.
Despite his insane potential and frequent power-ups, Ichigo lost several fights in Bleach, which led fans of the franchise to debate whether or not he could be considered a "jobber." This term comes from the world of professional wrestling, where it indicates those wrestlers whose job it is to lose in order to make the others look good.
Within the context of manga and anime, jobbers are those characters who are victims of the “worf effect." Being already established as powerful fighters, they are meant to lose against newly introduced characters, so that these are highlighted as serious and menacing threats. Granted, if the same character ends up “jobbing” repeatedly, his reputation for strength can be disgraced. According to some fans, this is what happened with Ichigo in Bleach.
Ichigo fought many battles in Bleach, but didn't always win
Ichigo’s fights in Bleach

Given the sheer length of Bleach and the many breathtaking fights and plot twists featured in the series, the best way to determine if Ichigo Kurosaki is a jobber is to retrace his record from beginning to end.
In the first arc of the series, Ichigo convincingly won almost all of the fights he was involved in. He defeated many Hollows, including Fishbone D, Acidwire, and Shrieker. Upon teaming up with Uryu Ishida, Ichigo also beat a Gillian-class Menos Grande.
There were only two fights that Ichigo didn’t win. The emotional struggle against Grand Fisher, the Hollow who killed his mother almost a decade earlier, ended in a draw. Grand Fisher was too weakened to keep fighting, while Ichigo was too injured to go after him and finish him off.

Against Renji and especially Byakuya, instead, Ichigo was completely outclassed. However, that was understandable, considering Ichigo’s lack of actual training in the arts of Shinigami. During the following part of the story, the Soul Society Arc, Ichigo’s streak was simply amazing. He easily dominated Jidanbo, crushed Ikkaku Madarame, and even bested Renji.
After the Bankai training, Ichigo overpowered three lieutenants without even unsheathing his Zanpakuto. The fights against Kenpachi earlier and Byakuya later can be considered sort of pseudo draws, but both opponents recognized Ichigo as the winner of the respective struggles. Hence, these battles are full-fledged victories for the protagonist.
Ichigo didn’t lose a single time during this arc, except for the debacle against Aizen. Needless to say, that defeat was nothing to be ashamed of, considering that almost any other character would have ended the same against the formidable villain.

Admittedly, Ichigo’s record took a turn for the worse during the Arrancar Arc. Due to his self-doubts, he lost to Yammy Llargo. The two fights with Grimmjow ended in something in between a loss and a draw. Upon entering the Hueco Mundo, Ichigo won against Dordoni, but still struggled against the latter.
This was certainly not exciting, as at the same time, Byakuya was doing quite well against an Espada even without using Shikai or Bankai. Ichigo then lost to Ulquiorra, who left him dead. As Grimmjow trapped Ulquiorra and brought Orihime to heal Ichigo and challenge him once again, the two had their final fight.
Grimmjow’s physical prowess overwhelmed Ichigo’s, but the latter tapped into his Hollow mask to draw the power needed to win the confrontation. Weakened after the fierce fight, Ichigo was easily dominated by Nnoitra and Tesla. Ichigo then lost again to Ulquiorra, who seemingly killed him.
However, Ichigo’s inner Hollow took over his body, turning him into a fearsome Vasto Lorde. This ravaging transformation allowed Ichigo to crush Ulquiorra, even though the latter was using his Segunda Etapa.

After returning to normal, Ichigo began to fight against Yammy, but the fight was interrupted as Byakuya and Kenpachi stepped in. Ichigo then struggled against Gin Ichimaru. After the Dangai training, Ichigo obtained the powers of a transcendent being.
While in this form, Ichigo was able to outclass a Hogyoku-enhanced Aizen. Technically, Ichigo didn’t win the fight, as his powers ran out before Aizen’s, and things would have gotten bad without Kisuke Urahara’s timely appearance. While Ichigo’s superiority was evident, the outcome of the battle was somehow debatable.
During the subsequent arc, Ichigo had to regain his lost Shinigami powers. He drew against Tsukishima, and was tricked by the former and Ginjo. In the final part of the arc, Ichigo brutally beat Ginjo.

In Bleach TYBW, Ichigo easily bested Asguiaro Ebern. The successive fight against Quilge Opie was inconclusive, even though Ichigo seemed to have the upper hand with Bankai. Ichigo then lost overwhelmingly to Yhwach, and was also humiliated by the latter’s right-hand man, Jugram Haschwalth.
After obtaining his true Zanpakuto powers and training with the Royal Guard, Ichigo fought the Bambies, i.e., Liltotto, Meninas, Candice, and Giselle. Even though he was just playing around, Ichigo proved himself to be a fighter of a whole different level compared to Liltotto and the others.
However, in the Royal Palace, Ichigo lost to Askin Nakk Le Vaar. He then lost again to Yhwach. In the final confrontation, Ichigo, assisted by Uryu and Aizen, somehow defeated Yhwach.
The pros and cons of the main character role
All in all, Ichigo’s record is maybe not perfect, but certainly good. Admittedly, his main character status granted him many power-ups, but at times has complicated things. As the primary protagonist of the story, Ichigo is bound to suffer some losses, which serve as stepping stones for him to improve both his combat prowess and his mindset.
Ichigo typically fought against the odds, as he encountered extremely powerful foes or found it hard to use his own powers effectively. According to the trope’s meaning, a jobber is someone who is implied to be on the losing side before the fight even starts.
While at times Ichigo objectively underperformed, he fell into this category only when a new threat appeared and needed to be established as a menace far greater any one previously faced in the story.
For example, this happened when Byakuya was introduced into the story, when Aizen was revealed to be a villain, or when Ulquiorra demonstrated his Segunda Etapa. Ichigo’s bad losses were used to emphasize how the new enemies were of a completely different caliber than the previous ones. Even then, Ichigo eventually turned the tables, taking his revenge on his opponents.
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