One Piece chapter 1082: Garp vs. Kuzan put on hold for an update on Buggy's Cross Guild and Sabo's current status

Sabo and Buggy steal the show as Garp
Sabo and Buggy steal the show as Garp's allies learn of his latest boneheaded actions (Image via Sportskeeda)

On April 27, 2023, One Piece chapter 1082 was released, which confirmed Sabo to be alive. Furthermore, the long-awaited Reverie flashback has been teased once more, with fans possibly being set to receive the highly anticipated information in the subsequent chapter.

One Piece chapter 1082 also focuses heavily on the Cross Guild, which has always been a surefire hit with fans of the series. Likewise, the focus on the Cross Guild seemingly sets them up as a legitimate threat in the final stages of the series, especially since it relates to the tantalizing goal that is the One Piece.

One Piece chapter 1082 excitingly confirms Sabo’s return, teases the long-awaited Reverie flashback

One Piece chapter 1082: Shifting tides and changing times

One Piece chapter 1082 begins in the cafeteria of Marine Headquarters, where a newspaper announces that Vice Admiral T-Bone has been killed. Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku asks Vice Admiral Tsuru if the man who killed T-Bone had been caught. Tsuru says they haven’t found him yet, but are certain that the man’s family will be paid well for his actions.

Sengoku questions what the world is coming to with civilians stabbing them in the back, seemingly suggesting that a regular civilian killed T-Bone. Tsuru comments that pirates aren’t the only ones interested in money and that it’s only natural for people to come after the Marines now that they have bounties on their heads.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees her further that places such as the Pepe Kingdom, where the man is presumably from, see over a thousand people die of starvation every year. It’s seemingly confirmed that this is where the culprit is from, with Tsuru commenting on how unsurprising it is that T-Bone was killed in such an area..

Tsuru adds that she’s not trying to defend the perpetrator but is instead pointing out that if this is what Buggy had in mind, they’ve severely underestimated him. Sengoku responds by questioning how the Marines can protect and serve the people if one needs to constantly look over their shoulder while shielding them.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Sengoku assert that letting the Cross Guild exist for too long will kill the morale of every Marine, weakening the entire Navy as a result. Sengoku then calls Vice Admiral Hina, asking if she knows where Garp is. This is where both Sengoku and Tsuru learn that Garp has gone to save Koby along with SWORD and Tsuru’s granddaughter, Kujaku.

The chapter then shifts perspectives to Emptee Bluffs Island in the New World, which is where the headquarters of the Cross Guild is. The man who killed T-Bone is being congratulated for making it to the island, prompting the man to thank Buggy for the payment, which he heard his family received.

One Piece Chapter 1082: Buggy’s passion gets reignited and spread

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Buggy call the man evil incarnate before commenting on how shocked the Marines were by the man’s actions. He adds that the man is dead if they ever catch him, prompting the man to say he prefers not seeing his family ever again to watching them die of starvation.

Buggy tells the man to rest easy and that they’ll take care of him as a fellow pirate, seemingly confusing and concerning the man. Other members of the Cross Guild put Buggy and the organization over while he is called to see something. The man calling for Buggy tells him that the Cross Guild’s ship is finally done.

One Piece chapter 1082’s next page reveals that the ship is entirely Buggy-themed, featuring circus tents on the deck and even having his likeness for a figurehead. Crocodile and Mihawk, meanwhile, are shown fuming while standing behind Buggy. The two call him into a meeting room while the rest of the guild celebrates the ship’s look.

In the meeting room, Buggy is shown to have been dismembered and beaten up as he was the last time fans saw the Cross Guild trio together. Crocodile is discussing how public awareness of the Cross Guild is growing as planned, making them a legitimate threat in the Navy’s eyes. Mihawk comments on how they need tons of influence to form their “Utopia,” while Buggy begs to be killed.

One Piece chapter 1082 then sees Mihawk comment on how before creating Utopia, they need to establish their overwhelming power. Buggy, meanwhile, muses on how he wanted his life to go differently. He joins in the conversation, realizing that Crocodile and Mihawk are saying they need wealth and power both to complete their plans.

Buggy then asks the two how they can call themselves pirates while scheming in such a way, saying that they’re doing it all backwards. He then discusses how Shanks is already making a move for the One Piece before explaining his history with Shanks and how they couldn’t go to Laugh Tale with the rest of Gol D. Roger’s crew.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Buggy ask the two what they wanted to be way back when, explaining how he saw Shanks shine brightly with potential when they were young. He explains that this caused him to let go of his real dream since he knew he’d never be able to compete with Shanks.

The chapter then starts a flashback to the day that Roger was executed, providing additional context to a scene fans have previously read. Buggy reminds Shanks of his promise that his crew would reach Laugh Tale too, seemingly trying to convince him to stick with his dream. However, Shanks says even though he’s changed his mind for now, he will still be a pirate despite delaying the journey to Laugh Tale.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Buggy think that he misjudged Shanks since he won’t be the next generation’s Pirate King. This is where the scene fans had previously read was reprinted, showing Shanks asking Buggy to come with him but the latter refusing. An additional scene sees Buggy remind Shanks that he owes him a treasure map, while internally questioning if Shanks cares about following in Roger’s footsteps.

The flashback then ends, with Buggy questioning what good it is that Shanks is making his move now. Buggy references them both being Yonko again, calling themselves on the same level as each other. Buggy then proclaims that if that’s how it is, then he wants to be King of the Pirates and chase his past dream once again.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Buggy question why they should stop at power and wealth, asserting that they should claim the ultimate treasure instead. Crocodile and Mihawk hilariously remind Buggy that his title is essentially a meaningless one, since they’re carrying him and his having the attention benefits them.

They add that they’re not playing pirates and that it’s not realistic for their group to pick fights with Shanks, Blackbeard, and Monkey D. Luffy. Buggy responds that the chase for the One Piece is a scramble, meaning they only need to beat the others to the prize rather than beat them in a fight. He then says he’ll show them how significant the One Piece is to each and every pirate, picking up a Transponder Snail’s receiver.

One Piece chapter 1082: Speeches and secrets

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Buggy give a speech questioning why they’re ignoring their shared original dream, all the while being beaten up by Mihawk and Crocodile. Buggy then announces to the Guild that they’re entering the race for the One Piece, with the Guild member shown to be crying as Crocodile and Mihawk are absolutely fuming.

The issue then shifts perspectives to the Kamabakka Queendom in the Grand Line, where new members of the Revolutionary Army are being introduced. All are Vice Captains of the various armies making up the overarching group. These are Ushiano of the West Army, Morley’s subordinate, Ahiro of the East Army, Belo Betty’s subordinate, Gyamble of the South Army, Linbergh’s subordinate, and Jiron of the North Army, who is Karasu’s subordinate.

One Piece chapter 1082 then revealed that the ship they were watching approach was carrying Sabo, with the Vice Captains rejoicing that he’s safe. It’s revealed that he sailed back on a Lulusian Ship, with Sabo asking the Vice Captains to help everyone on board. Koala then rushes Sabo, berating him for going radio silent and not communicating.

Sabo apologizes, saying he couldn’t find an encryptor Transponder Snail for safe communication. Sabo says he used what is essentially a form of Morse code to communicate, confirming he wasn’t even on Lulusia when the kingdom was attacked. The commanders each then greet both Sabo and the Lulusians, commenting on the tragedy of what affected them.

One Piece chapter 1082 sees Sabo meet with Emporio Ivankov and Monkey D. Dragon in a private room, with Sabo apologizing for what happened to Kuma. Ivankov and Dragon brush it off, with Sabo then explaining that anyone who hears what he’s about to say has their life at risk. He then begins telling them about what happened at Mariejois during the Reverie as the issue comes to an end.

One Piece chapter 1082: In summation

One Piece chapter 1082 is an exciting issue overall despite the unfortunate focus on situations other than Garp and Kuzan's fight. Justifying this shift in focus is the fact that Sabo is confirmed to be alive, as well as fans seemingly being on the precipice of finally learning what happened at the Reverie.

The chapter also does a great job of showing Buggy's determination to achieve his dreams despite the situation he's currently in. While Buggy falling upwards has always been a legitimate phenomenon, it remains to be seen just how far he can ride this dumb luck of his.

Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.