5 best toplane players participating at League of Legends Worlds 2022

The best toplane players at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
The best toplane players at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

Toplane is arguably one of the most challenging roles in League of Legends. However, a few players participating in World 2022 have mastered this role, unlike anyone else.

This article lists the five best toplane players with the highest chance of making a difference for their teams. It is important to remember that the Worlds 2022 meta will probably be shifted towards the topside.

So fans will probably see the full capabilities of the players mentioned here in action. Even then, it is important to mention that 24 teams will be participating in the tournament this time.

It is always possible to miss out on some names fans might feel are good enough to be considered in a top-5 list.

Every toplane player who will dominate their games at League of Legends Worlds 2022


The toplane is a challenging role to master in League of Legends. It is a role that heavily depends on how the team performs and can often fall short if the jungler and midlaner do not offer much support.

However, the names mentioned here have the capabilities to ensure that even in the worst of situations, they can gain the farm and experience needed to carry games. These players have learned to make the most out of a terrible situation within this role, and it is a feat that only a few have managed to master.

1) 369

369 will have a lot of responsibility to carry JDG during Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
369 will have a lot of responsibility to carry JDG during Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

Among every other toplane player participating in League of Legends Worlds 2022, 369 has to be the best of the lot. He has arguably been one of the most consistent players for JDG this year and was often why his team won.

He was often the player who would dismantle the enemy team single-handedly, even when the rest of his team failed to show up. Even though he started playing very recently in 2018, he already has multiple accolades, including a first-place finish at LPL 2022 Summer Split and a first-place finish at Demacia cup 2020.

He has featured in multiple "LPL All Pro teams" and is widely regarded as of 2022, the best toplaner in China. 369 has a massive champion pool, showcasing that quite vividly during the 2022 Summer Split.

In fact, out of the 11 champions he has played in the LPL this year, he has less than a 50% winrate on only 4 of them. He is someone who shines on both carries like Gwen and tanks like Ornn, which makes 369 extraordinarily flexible and versatile.

2) Zeus

Despite being a rookie, Zeus can take on any opposition at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Despite being a rookie, Zeus can take on any opposition at Worlds 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

For the first time, Zeus is one of the few rookie players participating in the League of Legends Worlds Championships. But just because he is a rookie does not mean he cannot stand his ground against the best in the world.

It is safe to say that Zeus is arguably the most valuable player on the entire T1 team. He is probably more dependable than Faker at times, simply because of his insane mechanical skill and impact in the game.

One of the reasons why T1 was able to reach the finals of the LCK 2022 Summer Split was because of Zeus. He bailed his team out on multiple occasions, even though he might not have the best stats in the world.

Zeus's potential cannot be measured through stats as he can fill multiple roles if needed. He was the primary playmaker when T1 put him on Gnar and was the main carry when his team asked him to play Gwen.

3) Wayward

Wayward is a rookie but is more than capable of beating the best in the world (Image via League of Legends)
Wayward is a rookie but is more than capable of beating the best in the world (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends Worlds 2022 is probably the year of rookies, as Wayward is another player set to make his first-ever appearance in the tournament. However, just like Zeus, he has proved multiple times during the LPL 2022 Summer Split that he is no less than one of the best in the world.

Wayward is often considered a player constricted to a small pool of champions. During the LPL Spring Split, Chinese fans joked that Wayward could only play Gwen, Graves, and Tryndamere. But what separated Wayward from everyone was his consistency.

He won the award for Outstanding rookie at the League of Legends LPL 2022 Spring Split, and he was also one of the reasons behind Top Esports's brilliant performance during the year. He did pick on champions like Gnar, Yone, Camille, Aatrox, and Jax when his team needed it and played flawlessly.

Wayward, on his Gnar, dismantled the Worlds 2021 winning toplaner Flandre during the 2022 Summer Split and has already proven his capability, and this tournament will showcase it in front of the rest of the world.

4) Nuguri

Nuguri will be looking to man an impact once again at the World Championships (Image via League of Legends)
Nuguri will be looking to man an impact once again at the World Championships (Image via League of Legends)

Nuguri might not have had the best of years during the 2022 season, but very few players have his pedigree regarding the World Championships. Nuguri is one of the top-tier carry toplaners who shines the most when he gets to play something like the Aatrox, Fiora, or Gangplank.

Even when DAMWON KIA struggled during the 2022 Summer Split, Nuguri obtained a 100% winrate on Aatrox, Camille, and Renekton. He is someone who will show up regardless of the situation and is one of the reasons why DAMWON was able to win the World Championships back in 2020.

Considering the Worlds 2022 meta will be shifting towards the toplane, it is safe to say that fans will get to see the best of Nuguri as he will no longer be constricted on picks like Sejuani and Ornn.

5) Flandre

Flandre's experience will come in handy once more when EDG looks to defend the Worlds Championship title (Image via League of Legends)
Flandre's experience will come in handy once more when EDG looks to defend the Worlds Championship title (Image via League of Legends)

Unlike some of the players mentioned above, Flandre is not a rookie. He is a veteran in League of Legends who has played this game for years and knows the World Championships like the back of his hand.

He was one of the reasons why EDG won the tournament back in 2021 and will probably play a massive part this year. What separates Flandre from everyone else is that he is not as explosive.

He always stays in the shadows, but fans see his impact as the game progresses. Flandre also has a massive champion pool, and he played 16 champions during the LPL 2022 Summer Split.

He can also pick up the role of both a carry and a tank, but he is more comfortable on the former than the latter.

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