Immersive, riveting and a new take: An early preview of Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer beta

Modern Warfare 2 is all set to be release on October 28 (Image via Activision)
Modern Warfare 2 is all set to be release on October 28 (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta is live right now. While PlayStation users got a taste of the much-anticipated title a while ago, for PC and Xbox players, the time has arrived.

Thanks to Activision, I got access to Modern Warfare 2 a bit early before the Open Beta went live for free for everyone. As the Open Beta for everyone will begin today, I'm sharing my overview of the much-awaited iteration of the Modern Warfare series.


With a plethora of new features, modes and new mechanics, Infinity Ward has been promising a lot for the next era of Call of Duty. While the final product is yet to come and this is just a beta to get the reaction of the community, here are my thoughts on Modern Warfare 2.

First impression of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer beta

As an ardent Call of Duty fan who has been playing the game since 2011, I'd say the most impressive thing that the developers have tried to do in the game is attempt to go back to the roots. There are some drawbacks, but at first glance, the game looks gorgeous and is an immersive and riveting new take on Call of Duty.

Look and Feel


Modern Warfare 2 is a direct sequel to its predecessor, Modern Wafare (2019). In 2019, the new era of the Modern Warfare saga revamped the Call of Duty franchise with its brand new graphical improvements, changes in mechanics, and more. It was realistic and gritty, and the community loved it immediately. However, there were some cons. While some things got fixed, some things remained the same.

Modern Warfare (2019) was criticized for its dull setting. What I've noticed in Modern Warfare 2 is that the game looks more colorful and vibrant, compared to the previous game. While visibility is still an issue, there is still enough space for improvement.

New movement mechanism


Another thing which is probably the most controversial discussion right now is the new movement mechanics in Modern Warfare 2. While the community is completely divided about the whole situation, my opinion is that although it is a big change, it is a much-needed one.

As a regular Warzone player who is habituated with super fluid movement, slide cancelations and everything else, it was difficult to take a big leap. Compared to Warzone or Modern Warfare, the movement mechanism in Modern Warfare 2 is much slower. It is more tactical and players will have a chance to focus more on their aim than on flying like a demon on the map.

The fast movement and arcade feel of Call of Duty is still there, but it is more tactical than before, which I'm having a hard time mastering but felt like it was needed for the larger playerbase.

Map design


Another thing which is an absolute win for Modern Warfare 2 is the new map design. Compared to the last game, the maps have more cover and there are areas where players will need more spatial awareness to win a gunfight.

There are four small maps available during the beta and in addition to two battle maps, the game has become more intriguing. While I am yet to check out the second battle map "Sariff Bay," I'd say the first big map, "Sa'id," beautifully replicates the war-torn environment of Modern Warfare 2.

It really has a similar feel to the classic Battlefield 4 maps. For me, it was immersive and nostalgic.

Addition of AIs in the game


However, the addition of AIs to the map felt a bit unnecessary. At least the developers could have done a better job with the AIs in the game.

As they have claimed about the advanced AIs in Modern Warfare 2, the AIs do not meet expectations. Rather, it gets confusing and irritating while fighting a real player. However, this can all be changed depending on the community reaction.

New Gunsmith 2.0


The most impressive thing, and something they have done a fascinating job with, is the new Gunsmith 2.0 system.

While the last segment was popular for its unique loadout system, the progression for the attachments has become easier and players will now be able to control their style of play by choosing a single weapon, which will also unlock other weapons and attachments, depending on the playstyle. So, the tiring grinding for every single weapon will be gone in Modern Warfare 2.

New Game Modes


Coming to the game modes, all the traditional Call of Duty multiplayer modes are there. Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy feel the same as before. So, there is not much to say regarding these modes.

However, there are some new game modes added to the multiplayer Open Beta. For me, the most interesting one was "Prisoner Rescue".

As a lover of tactical FPS like Ground Brunch, Ready or Not, this addition is an absolute win for Modern Warfare 2. The mode can be played as a 6v6 and their main objective is to protect the hostage or rescue them from the opposing team.

While it is still fast-paced, it can be played a bit slower compared to other game modes and with a good squad, it is very engaging and fun.

Adding a third person mode to a multiplayer is also a very out-of-the-way decision by Call of Duty. While playing the mode, I had a lot of fun and it is quite interesting. However, the transition is very difficult and for players who play Call of Duty multiplayer a lot, this mode will not be something they will hop onto a regular basis. From a fun perspective, the addition of the mode is understandable.


The most massive and immersive experience in the multiplayer beta is the new game mode 'Invasion'. While it is like a big TDM with AIs and players, it really gives a feel for the old-school Battlefield in Call of Duty. This is something that was missing from Battlefield 2042 at the launch itself.

However, the mode has its drawbacks, and the AIs need some serious improvement. Despite that, the addition of these two battle maps, which host the 'Invasion' gameplay, is very enjoyable and engaging.



Another change that I do not believe is for good is the gun recoil. The guns in Modern Warfare 2 have recoils. However, it is not a traditional recoil, which you can control with your device easily.

The visual recoil makes the weapon shake a lot and makes it difficult to aim. However, this can also be fixed once the final product arrives.


As for the audio in the game, the footsteps are too loud and it helps players who camp around the corner. They can easily pre-aim and win gunfights just by listening to the footsteps. They need to tone down the footsteps audio a bit to deliver a fairer gameplay in multiplayer.

The final overview of Modern Warfare 2 is that it is extremely polished with the intention of doing something new and good. While there are still some issues that need to be fixed, the game is really enjoyable in its state and the drawbacks are not enough to say it disappoints the community.

I had a blast while playing the game, and I hope that the changes will be made when the game releases on October 28.

In Conclusion

The first thing I had in mind was that, with Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty is trying to return to its roots. Call of Duty is known for its arcade-y style of gameplay over the last decade, which has been growing more and more. The new iteration of Modern Warfare is a love letter to veteran Call of Duty fans with more tactical-style gameplay.

However, there are some massive drawbacks that the developers need to change when the game officially releases on October 28. Things like opponent visuality and footsteps audio need some improvements. Furthermore, after playing the multiplayer beta, I realized that Activision had not fixed the much-discussed SBMM (Skill-based Matchmaking) in their forthcoming game.

While the issues need to be fixed, the game looks breathtaking at first glance. With stunning visuals and innovative modes like Prisoner Rescue and Invasion, the multiplayer for Modern Warfare 2 offers a plethora of content to fans. After adding a new water mechanism to the game, it’s easy to say that even Call of Duty has now come to the same space as the Battlefield series regarding attention to detail and quality.

As the game gets more updates in the near future and the quality of life improves throughout the coming days, it can be expected that players will get a more stable experience later.

In 2009, Modern Warfare 2’s campaign and gritting story took over the gaming world when it was released. Whether the same happens or not, time will tell, especially when the campaign's early access releases on October 21. I also look forward to trying that out and spending more time on multiplayer when the whole game comes out on October 28.

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer beta

Reviewed on: PC (Review code provided by Activision)

Platform: Windows PC, Xbox, PlayStation

Developer: Infinity Ward

Publisher: Activision

Release Date: October 28, 2022

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