The RUNE Kosatka is a submarine that debuted in GTA Online back in December 2020; and it can be bought from Warstock Cache and Carry for $2,200,000. While submarines are usually only associated with underwater exploration, this one does more than just that. In fact, Kosatka plays an extremely important role in one of the title's very best heists.
Some may be on the fence about spending over two million on it, but this is one of the best investments in GTA Online, even so many years after its addition. For those interested, here are five best uses of the Kosatka in 2025.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.
Fast traveling and 4 other best uses of the Kosatka in GTA Online in 2025
1) Setting up The Cayo Perico Heist
By far the very best use of the Kosatka is setting up The Cayo Perico Heist. In fact, this submarine is mandatory for playing it. The heist can be done solo or with a team of up to four players, and it takes place on the Cayo Perico island, away from the southern state of San Andreas.
The Cayo Perico Heist features some setup missions, and then a finale, all of which can only be launched from the planning screen inside the Kosatka. Its payout depends on the type of Primary and Secondary Targets collected; but doing it solo can easily pay close to, or even over a million dollars.
2) Buying and customizing the Sparrow

Sparrow has been among the best helicopters in GTA Online since its debut. It's quick, can be weaponized, and helps in quickly completing The Cayo Perico Heist's setup missions. However, it can only be purchased as an upgrade for the Kosatka for $1,815,000.
Sparrow is stored in the submarine itself and can be customized inside. When on land, you can even have the aircraft spawn at your location via the Interaction Menu. That said, this option may be inaccessible in a few situations.
3) Fast Travel

GTA Online has a big map, and while there are several fast vehicles to help with travelling, it can sometimes just feel a bit tedious. Interestingly, the Kosatka features a fast-travel option. Sit on the chair (just in front of the planning screen) shown in the image above and then use the prompted button to select any one of the listed fast travel points.
All of these points are located along the map's border, since the submarine, obviously, cannot drop you on land. Note that fast travelling isn't free, but it doesn't cost much either.
4) Firing guided missiles

Another great use of the Kosatka is to defend yourself. Those who like playing in GTA Online's Public sessions often have to deal with griefers, even in 2025. In such situations, the submarine's guided missiles can come in handy. They can be bought as an upgrade, which is expensive but worth getting if you can afford.
The missiles can be launched from chairs just next to the planning screen and can be controlled manually, which helps with with accuracy. However, the next launch can be done after a short cooldown.
5) Weapon workshop

A weapon workshop can be bought as an upgrade for the Kosatka. It functions just like any other weapon workshop in the game, including restocking ammunition and upgrading certain GTA Online guns to their upgraded MK II variants.
Needless to say, upgraded weapons can be much more helpful in combat, and if you spent a lot of time in your submarine, having a weapon workshop in it can be quite useful.
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