A review of the Compact EMP Launcher in GTA Online

The Compact EMP Launcher is rather controversial in GTA Online (Image via Sportskeeda)
The Compact EMP Launcher is rather controversial in GTA Online (Image via Sportskeeda)

GTA Online players are better off avoiding the Compact EMP Launcher.

The Contract introduced several awesome features into the game. For example, select vehicles can now jam missiles, which can deter GTA Online griefers. Players also have lower daily fees and fewer annoying calls. These are very welcome changes to the game, which many fans appreciate.

However, not every new feature was met with a positive reception. GTA Online recently introduced the Compact EMP Launcher, which sells at a discounted price of $397,500. While it can disable vehicles for a short time, there are simply too many problems with this weapon.

Everything GTA Online players should know about the Compact EMP Launcher


The Compact EMP Launcher is a smaller counterpart to the Compact Grenade Launcher. GTA Online players may find some use with it, but only in very specific circumstances. Here is a basic rundown of what to expect with the Compact EMP Launcher.

What it is and where to find it

It's less of a gun and more of a launcher in GTA Online. Players can take aim and shoot projectiles, similar to the Compact Grenade Launcher. This weapon has a maximum ammo count of 20 shots, which can be refilled via the interaction menu.

This Compact EMP Launcher will be sold at various discounts in GTA Online. GTA Online players will find this weapon in the newest property, the Celebrity Solutions Agency. The price ranges anywhere from $2,010,000 to $2,830,000.

In spite of that, players still need to upgrade with the Armory. Weapons experts can build their workshop for only $720,000.

Strengths and weaknesses

Theoretically, it's supposed to stop most vehicles in their tracks. The Compact EMP Launcher is perfect for stealing cars from NPCs. In certain situations, players will have just enough time to take over the driver's seat.

Sadly, its negatives far outweigh the positives in GTA Online. The Compact EMP Launcher has very little range and a slow projectile speed. It also has a very short time limit on its effect. Affected vehicles will only be disabled for a total of five seconds. This leads to what is arguably the biggest problem.

Even if a vehicle is hit by a compact grenade, it can still use its weapons. For example, Deluxo players can easily fire off their rockets in a paralyzed state. Even then, the compact effect only lasts for a few seconds. All it does is buy players a little bit of time.

In summary


The Compact EMP Launcher is one of the most useless weapons in GTA Online. All it can do is shut off vehicle engines for a few seconds. Players can only play very defensively with this weapon.

GTA Online players will be lucky if they can hit their targets. Even if they do, there's no way to disable the other vehicle's weapons. Players with the Compact EMP Launcher are even more vulnerable than their targets. They should mainly stick to using their regular weapons instead.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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