GTA Online interactive map for all LD Organics Product locations

Players can collect some of Lamar
Players can collect some of Lamar's product in the new update (Image via Rockstar Games)

Since there are 100 LD Organics Products to find in GTA Online, there are bound to be players who have no idea where to find them all. In that case, this interactive map should help them. It comes from, a handy resource with tons of other interactive maps for players to use.

This article will focus solely on the LD Organics Products since the latest update just introduced them. Do note that there are 100 to collect in total, so this new collectible isn't something players can do quickly. With that being said, let's check out the interactive map.

Useful interactive map for all LD Organics Product locations in GTA Online

At first glance, it might look like a mess with a bunch of LD logos scattered about. However, this is an interactive map. Players can zoom in and pan the map however they'd like. PC users can simply hover their mouse cursor over the map and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Clicking and dragging locations will move the map in a predictable fashion. Otherwise, it's similar on mobile devices with touchscreens.

Doing so will make finding the LD Organics Products much easier. There are 100 locations in total, so it's highly recommended that players try to keep a note of the areas they've explored

They can also change this interactive map's design to "Game" on the top right if they wish to mimic how it would look like in the game.

Collecting all 100 LD Organics Products


Now that readers have a handy interactive map to use, they might wish to know how to collect this new collectible. The whole process is rather simple:

  • Go to any of the locations where this collectible spawns.
  • Look for a little grey bag with the LD Organics Products logo on it.
  • Approach it, and either press right D-pad (console) or 'E' (PC) to collect it.

Just repeat the process 100 times to collect everything. GTA Online players get $1,000 and 1,000 RP per product they collect. Collecting all 100 of them will give players some new clothes and an extra $50,000.

Thus, the total rewards are:

  • $150,000
  • 100,000 RP
  • LD Organics Merchandise

It's a decent reward for GTA Online players seeking to go on a huge collectathon.

The merchandise is a new shirt and hat shown in the above tweet. It's nothing too fancy on its own, but some GTA Online players might like it and wish to wear it often. The only way to get these clothes is by collecting all 100 LD Organics Products and then heading to the LD Organics store to see a brief cutscene.

Doing that will also give players an extra $50,000 added to their bank account. Collecting everything can take players about an hour to do. Ergo, this type of activity isn't something that everyone will be interested in doing, especially since the monetary reward is less compared to other endeavors.

Nonetheless, plenty of GTA Online players might appreciate using the interactive map and finding all 100 LD Organics Products, so hopefully, this guide helped them out.

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