The Project Breakaway File is a new mission that was added to the GTA Online Agents of Sabotage update. To play it (or any other one in the set), you must first purchase the Darnell Bros Garment Factory from Maze Bank Foreclosures, visit the building, and watch the introductory cutscene. You can then access these missions via a computer inside the building or the new Darnell Inc. app on your in-game phone.
For those interested, but require a little help, this guide explains how to complete The Project Breakaway File in the GTA Online Agents of Sabotage update.
GTA Online Agents of Sabotage update guide: How to complete The Project Breakaway File

Much like The Black Box File, The Project Breakaway File consists of three setup missions that must be completed to unlock the finale. These are:
- Mobile Tracking
- Thermal Charges
- Encryption Bypass
They can be done in any order. Click on their respective thumbnails to start them.
GTA Online The Project Breakaway File: Mobile Tracking

This GTA Online Agents of Sabotage setup mission requires taking control of the RC Bandito and stashing it in an Eberhard van. Find the van using the RC Bandito in any of the three search areas indicated with a yellow circle on the map.
Upon locating one, hack it by getting close to it, press the prompted button, and stay within its range. Once hacked, the van's rear bay will open, allowing you a short window to stash the RC Bandito inside.
GTA Online The Project Breakaway File: Thermal Charges

The initial phase of this mission requires looking for a delivery list at a Post OP depot. The list is usually located inside cabins, as shown above. When you find it, take a photograph using your in-game phone and send it to Jodi Marshall.
Avoid getting spotted to complete this part quickly and progress to the next phase, which involves breaking into a SecuroServe warehouse. Avoiding conflict here is difficult, so make sure to stock up on snacks, body armor, and most importantly, ammunition, beforehand.

Look for thermal charges inside the warehouse, collect them, and deliver them to the Darnell Bros Garment Factory.
GTA Online The Project Breakaway File: Encryption Bypass

Break into an agent's apartment marked on the map and enter its basement. However, to unlock the basement, you must hack a keypad. This is done through a mini-game that requires locking the white vertical bars when the red horizontal bar is perfectly in the gap between the former's upper and lower parts.
Once hacked, head inside the basement, kill all the guards, and then find and steal the malware hard drive.

Then, eliminate the agent (who will be at a different location), photograph his body, and send it to Jodi. Since the dead agent needs to be photographed, killing him with a gun is better than blowing up his car.
When all of that is done, deliver the malware to the Garment Factory to complete this GTA Online setup mission.
GTA Online The Project Breakaway File: Finale

Use the Trackify app on your in-game phone to locate Project Breakaway by heading in the direction of the red dot. When at the location, eliminate all guards outside, use the prompted button to control the RC Bandito, and detonate it near the nerve gas pumps inside.
Then, head inside the building, deal with any guards, plug the malware in the server (marked with a green icon), and use the computer next to it to hack the terminal. Hacking the terminal requires forming a word with the provided letters.
After that, wait for the malware to upload and kill any guards that try to intervene. Once uploaded, you must place thermal charges at the cell doors to open them up and steal all Server Blades, Hard Drives, and Black Books inside.
Finally, exit the building and deliver the stolen items to the buyer to complete The Project Breakaway File finale. There will be several enemy NPCs in this part, so be ready to deal with them.
Additionally, try to complete these objectives in The Project Breakaway File finale to get a bonus reward:
- Locate Project Breakaway in 5 minutes
- Get 15 headshots
- Recover Black Books as well as Server Blades
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