Minecraft has many different mobs. While most of these mobs fall squarely into the passive and neutral categories, those indifferent to the player, or hostile mobs, there are a few that have a more interesting mechanic. These mobs are neutral until a player does something to upset them, at which point they turn hostile due to their anger.
Detailed below are all the different mobs that can quickly become angry, so players know which ones to be careful around while out exploring.
All Minecraft mobs with an angry mode

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Endermen might be the best example of a hostile Minecraft mob that can switch from neutral to aggressive for seemingly no reason. This tall, lanky, and intimidating entity will leave players alone unless direct eye contact is made.
At this point, the enderman will pursue the player until someone is dead. However, wearing a pumpkin blocks the player's eyes, mitigating this potential threat.
Iron Golems

Iron Golems might seem like peaceful defenders of Minecraft's incredibly useful villages, intended to protect against the monsters of the night. However, this same wrath can quickly become directed at players.
If an iron golem is attacked directly or a player hits a villager within the village they're guarding, they will hunt that player down. Iron golems deal massive damage, making them quite a threat.

Angry wolves are easy to identify by their constant growling and piercing red eyes. Wolves will become hostile if attacked by a mob or player. However, they will not attack alone.
Instead, a wolf that becomes angry will cause all otherwise neutral wild wolves within a 33x33x21 area to become hostile. This can lead to scarily effective pack hunts, making them a true threat to unassuming players.
Zombified piglins

Zombified piglins, which replaced Minecraft's older zombie pigman to bring them more aesthetically in line with piglins, are exclusive Nether mobs that players might anger. They spawn in huge numbers, which is normally fine, as they leave players alone.
However, accidentally or intentionally, striking a zombified piglin will cause all of them within the vicinity to aggro on the player. This range is very different across versions.
Java Edition players will anger all zombie piglins within up to a 111x22x111 area, which can quickly get overwhelming. On the other hand, Bedrock players will only anger zombified piglins within 20 blocks. Additionally, they can call otherwise neutral zombie piglins into the fight, making their large numbers even harder to deal with.

Spiders are one of the oldest mobs in Minecraft and yet have one of the most interesting determining factors for whether they are hostile. They will only attack players if the surrounding light level is 11 or lower.
Additionally, if a spider enters an area with a higher level of light, they will return to a neutral state. The only exception to this is as retaliation for an attack. They will never lose aggro if fighting back.

Regular piglins have two different conditions for attacking the player. Piglins will attack players they see not wearing at least a single piece of golden armor, making gold essential for setting up amazing Minecraft loot farms.
Additionally, attacking a piglin will cause it to aggro on a player, even if they're wearing golden armor.
Polar bears

Polar bears are widely considered one of Minecraft's most pointless mobs, which makes their exceptionally detailed rules for becoming hostile even more confusing.
The easiest way to encounter an angry polar bear is to approach one with a cub. Any polar bear with cubs is inherently hostile. Additionally, hitting a cub will cause all adults within a 41x21x41 block area to become hostile to the player, even on Peaceful, though their attacks deal no damage on that difficulty.
Additionally, Java players that hit an adult polar bear within a 16x8x16 area of a cub will provoke all other adults within 21x21x21 blocks of the attacked adult.

Llamas are one of Minecraft's tameable pet mobs and another that can quickly turn on players.
If attacked by a player or mob, a llama will spit in retaliation. Wandering trader llamas, a unique variant of the mob, will also attack mobs or players that hit the wandering trader, similar to how wolves will protect their owners.

Bees, added in the aptly named Buzzy Bees update, are a fascinating mob. They are entirely passive unless attacked or their hive is messed with. This includes breaking it, with or without Minecraft's silk touch enchantment, or harvesting honeycomb or honey from it. If a player does either of these, bees will attack in a suicidal swarm, dying roughly one minute after landing a successful attack.
However, any bees unable to land a successful hit return to a neutral state after 25 seconds, making them one of the few Minecraft mobs with an anger state that can return to being neutral.
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