Minecraft mobs are an essential part of the game's history and gameplay. The term "mobs" is used to refer to all of the living entities that are found in the game, including animals, monsters, and other humanoids.
One of the most unique features of the game is the wide variety of mobs that can be found. Mobs can be hostile or friendly, and each has its own distinct behavior and abilities.
Here is everything players need to know about all the Minecraft mobs in 2024.
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All passive, neutral, hostile, and boss mobs in Minecraft in 2024

Mobs in Minecraft are computer-controlled entities that can interact with the player and the game world. Some mobs are passive and will not attack the player unless provoked, while others are hostile and will attack the player on sight. Certain mobs can also be tamed or bred to serve as pets or mounts.
These mobs have evolved and changed over time, providing a dynamic and constantly changing environment for players to explore. From the classic designs of cows, chickens, and pigs to the recent addition of camels, mobs play a significant role in the uniqueness of Minecraft.
The vast variety of mobs in Minecraft adds depth and excitement to the game, as each one offers a different challenge and reward. Some can be farmed for resources, while others can be defeated for valuable items. Knowing the behaviors and abilities of each mob is crucial for players looking to survive and succeed in a Minecraft world.
Passive mobs

Passive mobs are harmless mobs (except for pufferfish) that do not attempt to attack the player, even when provoked or attacked. Most of them can be bred or tamed. These mobs provide resources and can be used for various purposes, such as food, leather, wool, and milk.
They are essential for survival in Minecraft and can be found in various biomes such as forests, plains, and deserts.
- Allay
- Armadillo (upcoming 1.21 update)
- Axolotl
- Bat
- Cat
- Camel
- Chicken
- Cod
- Cow
- Donkey
- Frog
- Glow Squid
- Horse
- Mooshroom
- Mule
- Ocelot
- Parrot
- Pig
- Pufferfish (defensive)
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Sheep
- Skeleton Horse
- Sniffer
- Snow Golem
- Squid
- Strider
- Tadpole
- Tropical Fish
- Turtle
- Villager/Wandering Trader
Neutral mobs

Neutral mobs do not attack the player unless provoked. They usually have their own unique behavior and abilities and can sometimes be tamed or bred to serve as pets or mounts.
All of these mobs (except goats) are provoked when the player attacks them.
- Bee
- Cave Spider
- Dolphin
- Enderman
- Fox
- Goat
- Iron Golem (naturally spawned)
- Llama
- Panda
- Piglin
- Polar Bear
- Spider
- Trader Llama
- Wolf
- Zombified Piglin
Hostile mobs

Hostile mobs are dangerous non-player characters that attack the player on sight. These mobs can be found in various biomes and environments in the game.
Some passive mobs, such as chickens and skeleton horses, can be hostile if ridden by a hostile mob on rare occasions.
- Blaze
- Breeze (upcoming 1.21 update)
- Chicken Jockey
- Creeper
- Drowned
- Elder Guardian
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Magma Cube
- Phantom
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Horseman
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Warden
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
Boss mobs
Boss mobs are powerful non-player characters in the game that are designed to provide a challenge. Defeating a boss mob usually requires strategic planning and skill, and the player will be rewarded with valuable items and resources upon doing so.
Boss mobs include:
- Ender Dragon
- Wither
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