There are hundreds of mounts to farm in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. From reputation to raids, World Bosses to reputation grinds, there will almost always be a mount you don’t have in your collection. I wanted to highlight a series of mounts from raids and dungeons that are worth exploring the game for. All of these can be soloed with the greatest ease, and at worst, bringing a friend can’t hurt. It’s even better if that person doesn’t have the mount you’re after.
I wanted to focus on some mounts I don’t talk about often here, but of course, there are some exceptions: those are simply too easy to farm and are far too awesome not to have in a collection of ridable steeds. Here is a list of 10 World of Warcraft steeds you definitely need in your stable.
Mounts you should farm in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
10) Fiery Warhorse's Reins (Karazhan)

This mount farm is arguably one of the easiest on this entire World of Warcraft list. It might take longer to get to Karazhan than it will to actually defeat the boss. Attumen the Huntsmen was the first boss of Karazhan in the Burning Crusade expansion. All you have to do is clear a few packs of enemies and then hit one or two shots at this World of Warcraft boss.
This is also where you farm reputation for The Violet Eye faction. This mount is an amazing horse that I’ve only seen drop once, and a Druid took it and gquit that same night. Not that I’m bitter about it or anything.
9) Reins of the Azure Drake (Eye of Eternity - Heroic)

The neat thing about this boss is both versions of Malygos drop a Blue Drake. The Azure Drake drops from Heroic, and the Blue Drake drops from Normal. They aren’t too far apart, and both fights are incredibly easy now. All you need is access to Malygos in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, run in, and demolish the boss.
This one doesn’t take long, and if you’re going to head to Northrend to farm other mounts, why not make a pit stop in the Eye of Eternity? It’s not far from one of the airport terminals anyway.
8) Reins of the Twilight Drake (Obsidian Sanctum, 25M)

This is one of the mounts I unlocked while it was still content. It was challenging back then to complete Obsidian Sanctum without pulling the other three Drakes, but now?
It’s child’s play. In the modern day of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, you can head into the Obsidian Sanctum and immediately run down the boss, Sartherion. There’s no sense in bothering with the trash or the other drakes.
7) Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent (Sha of Anger)

Sadly, like most of these World of Warcraft bosses, there’s a lockout timer. However, as long as you have coins from previous Mists of Pandaria content, you can do rerolls for another shot at the gorgeous Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent mount.
It’s not hard to find the Sha of Anger up and roaming the Kun-Lai Summit, either. It’s a simple matter to log onto alts and immediately attack this boss when it’s up. If you aren’t a fan of the undulating dragons, I’d skip this one, but I’m a huge fan, personally.
6) Felsteel Annihilator (Hellfire Citadel - Mythic)

Felsteel Annihilator is another one of the coolest mounts in World of Warcraft, but it will take some time to get. Archimonde the Defiler is the final boss of Hellfire Citadel, where you have to grind through 12 other bosses first.
However, it’s a great way to get the cosmetics you missed, as well as free gold from selling all the loot that drops. It’s a fun dungeon to plow through alone or with a friend. Ever want to pilot a Gundam that looks like it was forged in the underworld? That’s what you get here.
5) Midnight's Eternal Reins (Return to Karazhan)

Another version of the Fiery Warhorse’s Reins, Midnight’s Eternal Reins has a much cooler design, I think. It’s a more up-to-date warhorse, and once again, it’s found on Attumen the Huntsmen.
However, it’s in the shorter Return to Karazhan dungeon. It’s certainly worth traveling to go do, even if, like the other mounts on this list, it’s a rare drop.
4) Hellish Core (The Nighthold - Normal or Mythic)

Depending on which color you prefer, Gul’dan at the end of The Nighthold can drop one of two colored Hellish Cores: Green for normal, Red for Mythic. It’s a bound infernal with a huge shackle around its neck.
Frankly, it is one of the coolest mounts in World of Warcraft. It’s one I occasionally go back to farm myself, hoping one will finally drop.
3) Shackled Ur'zul (Argus the Unmaker - Mythic)

Shackled Ur’zul is one of the most unsettling mounts in all of World of Warcraft. Defeating Argus the Unmaker for it is easy enough, but getting one to drop is another story.
The drop rate for all these mounts is pretty abysmal—except the Twilight Drake. This multi-faced, slavering monstrosity is just plain horrifying. That said, it’s unique, and I’m a sucker for cool, unique mounts.
2) Ashes of A'lar (The Eye - Tempest Keep)

Ashes of A’lar had to make the list. It’s overwhelmingly simple to go complete The Eye. The only downside is waiting on the timer between Kael’thas Sunstrider’s phases.
There’s no way he can beat you now, not unless you tried very hard to lose. Plus, it’s a gorgeous phoenix mount, and not the freebie darkfire phoenix you get for joining a guild. It’s one of the best WoW drops, period.
1) Invincible's Reins (Icecrown Citadel - 25M Heroic)

I shouldn’t have to explain why this World of Warcraft mount is so great by now, but here we go. Invincible is the massive warhorse of Arthas Menethil, the Lich King. When it takes off, it spreads amazing, ethereal wings, and everything about it is sinister and majestic.
Plus, you can also farm a legendary weapon here in this raid. You can get this raid done in about 20 minutes, possibly less, and come away with gold and maybe the best mount in the game.
There are so many other great drops in World of Warcraft you can pick up as you play. If you’re interested in some that just look incredible, here’s our list of the 10 coolest rides in WoW.