Fallout 76's C.A.M.P., also referred to as the Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform, is a portable device. You can place it on any flat surface and build a house around this item with all your necessities in the post-apocalyptic Appalachia. You must select a safe area for it first since this is fundamental, and you'll be doing most of your work from there.
Players can have as many as five of these platforms in Fallout 76. You can use a C.A.M.P. as an inventory to drop off all your items. It can also be utilized to repair your armor, rest, craft, and more. While these platforms are essential, beginners can face problems while placing or moving them. This article will go through everything you need to know about them.
How to place a C.A.M.P. in Fallout 76

Before placing a C.A.M.P., you must decide on an optimal area for the placement. If you're a beginner, you can place it near The Wayward and the Overseer's camp. This area offers minimal danger and has traders nearby. You can select a forest area to settle in as well. This way, you can easily get wood essential for making walls, doors, and roofs for your base.
After you've chosen an area with easy access to resources, it's time to set up the platform. You can access the Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. through the Inventory. Here's what you need to do to place it:
- Open the Inventory menu
- Select the designated button for C.A.M.P., and place it on the ground.
The C.A.M.P. will have a red outline if it cannot be placed, and it will turn green as soon as you find a suitable spot.
Players can build foundations, walls, roofs, generators, workstations, and waterlines around the device to set up a proper base.
How to move camp in Fallout 76

After being placed, a C.A.M.P. can also be moved. To do so, open up your Pip-Boy and select the "Move C.A.M.P" option at the bottom of the screen. You can then place the platform anywhere your heart desires as long as its outline is green.
While moving the device can be helpful, it will cost you anywhere from five to 50 Bottle caps. When it is moved, the base you built around it doesn't move with it; the base is stored and can be used around wherever you decide to put the C.A.M.P. next.
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