5 challenging Pokemon Unite licenses that are not for beginners

Official artwork for Pokemon Unite (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Official artwork for Pokemon Unite (Image via The Pokemon Company)

As Pokemon Unite's reach grows and more content is developed, an increasing number of players are compelled to try it. With the game being free to play as well as being available on both Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, many smartphone users have been tempted to give the newest Pokemon mobile game a try.

This title is nothing like anything Game Freak has attempted in the past. Rather than an RPG, card, or board game, Pokemon Unite takes a page out of Valve and Riot Games' books and takes the highest grossing media franchise into the world of MOBA games. However, this genre of game is not for the faint of heart.

With the notorious learning curve MOBAs are known for, it can be a bit difficult for newcomers to understand how certain characters can work as well as their best suited role on the team. However, there are also characters newcomers should stay away from due to their high learning curve and skill-ceiling.

Note: The article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.

5 Pokemon Unite characters that newcomers should avoid

1) Garchomp

Garchomp as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Garchomp as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Garchomp is notorious for having one of the slowest early games out of all the junglers in Pokemon Unite. Having to evolve twice before it can effectively take most fights, it is not a pick players should invest in if they want to get right into the action.

Instead, for those who want to give the land shark a try, should opt for a slower approach. Take the time to farm the center area of the wild Pokemon that populates the area. Never take a fight where you are outnumbered as Dig only becomes available after evolving once. And, helping your top and bottom path should be the priority.

2) Mr. Mime

Mr. Mime as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Mr. Mime as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Mr. Mime has become a bit of a meme in the Pokemon Unite community given it has the capabilities to completely topple an enemy team given the right conditions, despite its role as a support character. Nevertheless, its potency is highly dependent on the skills of those who play it.

For those determined to dish out a serving of Mime Time for the enemy team, it would benefit greatly to look up a build for the playstyle you wish to use ahead of time. Bringing the right held and battle items can make all the difference when it comes to a utility or offensive set.

3) Dodrio

Dodrio as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Dodrio as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

With Dodrio being one of the newest additions to come to Pokemon Unite as of writing, many players may not know how to best utilize its toolkit in battles as of yet. This means any advice that they get from forums or guides should be taken with a grain of salt; now is the time for experimentation.

For those who really want to give the latest addition a try, it may be best to play a few rounds of quick matches before jumping right into ranked. Being a melee speedster comes with challenges of its own as Dodrio cannot hide in tall grass and lob projectiles. Rather, its ambushes entail running at the opponent and hoping they do not target it.

4) Gengar

Gengar as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Gengar as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Much like Garchomp, Gengar is a jungler that requires a bit of patience to use effectively. Instead of just being able to decimate opponents head-on upon evolving, Gengar players need to be a bit more sneaky as the character thrives in ambush scenarios.

If you have a soft spot for the original Ghost-type, keep an eye on the map. If you notice an opponent trying to sneak away from a fight or into your territory of the jungle area, use this to your advantage by sneaking through the tall grass to get the jump on them. Gengar works best in 1v1 fights, so this method is important.

5) Hoopa

Hoopa as it appears in the Pokemon movie (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Hoopa as it appears in the Pokemon movie (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Hoopa is one of the most unique support characters in Pokemon Unite. So much so that it can be deterimental if the player on a team playing this pick does not know how to best utilize this character and its abilities. Hoopa's main gimmick is its ability to buff its allies and create portals that bring allies and berries to its location.

For those who want to harness the power of the Hyperspace Rings and use Hoopa in Pokemon Unite, it may be best to watch a few tutorial videos online before taking it to some casual matches. After having some time with the Mythical Pokemon and perfecting its passive abilities, ranked games would be the natural next step.

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