Diancie reportedly confirmed for Pokemon GO Fest 2023, community reacts

The Mythical Pokemon Diancie may arrive during Pokemon GO Fest 2023 according to leaks (Image via The Pokemon Company)
The Mythical Pokemon Diancie may arrive during Pokemon GO Fest 2023 according to leaks (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Before Pokemon GO's Season of Gems had even begun, trainers noticed multiple hints in its debut trailer pointing to the release of Diancie, the Mythical Pokemon from Generation VI. It appears as though additional leaks surfacing on social media may all but confirm the creature's appearance during GO Fest 2023.

On The Silph Road subreddit, a well-known (but now closed) Pokemon GO community group, Redittor u/Thomanoshan shared a text snippet purporting that Diancie's arrival was imminent. The Jewel Pokemon would no doubt fit in nicely with the theme of the Season of Hidden Gems.

In the comments on the Reddit thread, Pokemon GO players weren't surprised at all by the leak, but the reception to Diancie's arrival was mixed.

The Pokemon GO community responds to alleged Dianice leaks

Thanks to a helpful French-to-English translation by Pokemon GO player u/B10BLE, trainers were able to ascertain what the text of the original post was stating. It seems as though Diancie's debut is slated to occur during GO Fest 2023 in August. Trainers didn't seem surprised at all, probably due to the Season of Hidden Gems' trailer, which appeared to heavily imply Diancie's future presence.

In addition to Diancie, many Pokemon GO fans remarked that based on the Season of Hidden Gems' recently-released roadmap, Mega Rayquaza would arrive as a raid boss. However, other players disputed this, or at least didn't see the rationale of how Mega Rayquaza fit into the current season's theme.

Although the jury may be out on whether Mega Rayquaza is making its debut during the Season of Gems, most players agreed that Diancie was a perfect fit for the current season's theme and would be included during GO Fest. Questions remained about whether it would have access to the Diamond Storm move and whether it could be transferred to Pokemon HOME though.

If the leak does turn out to be credible (which seems likely since it was taken from the game's official page), the debut of Diancie would likely generate significant interest in the Season of Hidden Gems. The Season of Rising Heroes was beset with controversy, so Niantic may be attempting to win back some departed fans.

Although Pokemon GO Fest isn't slated to arrive until August 2023 this year, knowing which Pocket Monsters would be available during the event may help players make the decision as to whether they'll attend.


Whatever the case may be, Niantic has an opportunity to enhance their reputation by making the Season of Hidden Gems a better experience than its predecessor. Only time will tell how the game's community will respond to this new season and whether the introduction of Diancie will be deemed worthwhile.

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